Magic Find -
Mastery, Magic Find and Chaos Factor page
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The Magic Find bonus given to players for defeating enemies has been improved.
For players with Magic Find below 150, killing monsters will give up to +50 points of it.
- If you have 90 base Magic Find, killing 50 monsters and staying alive would grant you a boost of 50 points, to total of 140 Magic Find.
Upon reaching 150 Magic Find and above, bonus from killing monsters turns into +50%.
- If you have 200 base Magic Find, killing 50 monsters and staying alive would grant you a boost of 100 points (50% of your base 200), to a total of 300 Magic Find.
With active Patron status the boost from killing monsters would be +100%.
Using /respawn chat command now decreases Bonus Magic Find same way a death from a monster would when used in combat worlds. If used in club worlds, Hub or Geode Sanctuary, death by /respawn will not reduce your Magic Find.