Hotfixes - May 2020 -
Delves Patch Notes page
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- The Shadow Escalation Quest is no longer available. The shadow panda is available via crafting.
- Re-enabled the Daily Deals, which should now only be purchasable once per 24 hour period.
- Updated tooltip descriptions for Titan Souls, Lunar Souls, and Despoiled Divinity to reference “Shadowy Soul Vaults found in Delves”.
- Updated the icon and description for the “Name Color: Purple” claim.
- The Delve lair mutator "Furious" no longer makes enemies quite as large as before.
- Challenge Delves will now only spawn a Shadowy Soul Vault on specified depths after the completion of at least 3 consecutive depths rather than always spawning a Shadowy Soul Vault at specified depths.
- Slight adjustment so that those having trouble with delve bosses might meet slightly harder path monsters and slightly easier bosses.
- Larger groups won't be placed as deep in delves. On average large groups will be placed 15 depths easier when the queue pops. Solo delvers and challenge delves will not be affected.
- Only 78 consecutive depths can be completed in a single delve run now; upon reaching the 78th consecutive depth players will receive a message asking them to restart the delve and not allowing them to progress further.
- Decor in delves has been adjusted to increase visibility and avoid confusion.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the creation of empty delves.
- Fixed an issue that could prevent anything from spawning after a delve boss has been defeated.
- Fixed the “0 reward” text on the Shadow Tower UI.
- Adjusted hitboxes for many Delve Bosses to make them easier to hit.
- Fixing the Class Effort leaderboards when counting blocks destroyed.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Ready Check Station to occasionally spawn against a wall.
- Decorations in Flakbeard's Hideaway can no longer be mined.
- Fixed an issue with the Pixel ally causing unintentional effects to stats
- Fixed an issue that could result in the Cursed Skull Pile in Delves allowing bosses to be resummoned for no additional rewards.