Resources from Delve Caves -
Delves Rewards page
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While passing through Delve caverns players can pick up various plants and ores that otherwise can only be found in Geode Caves. Geodian module Omni-Tool from Discovery suit layout is required to mine those ores, some even require higher tier upgraded Omni-tool.
Check Omni-Tool upgrades here.
Picking up those plants works for 'Collect Organics' daily adventure, and within ores in Delve caverns you can find Builder's Boxes,
Builder's Chests and
Builder's Vaults, which count for 'Find Builder's Crates' daily adventure.
Forbidden Depths themed Delves contain Cinnabar ore, and all mobs in it have a small chance to drop
Fiery Feathers and
Sagely Blue Dragonscales.
Volcanic Vault themed Delves contain Primordial Flames.
Aside from those, every Delve cavern is full with Crystals and Shadow Crystals. Picking up crystals grants untradable Crystals and picking up Shadow Crystals grants same untradable
Crystals and tradable
Shadow Shards. Rarely picking up Shadow Crystals can also grant
Kami Dragon Egg Fragments. Shadow Crystals only start to appear around 100+ depth of Delves.
Vaca-Matic module can be used to suck up such crystals and plants, but it will not work for ores.
To sum it up, while travelling through any Delve cavern you can find:
Crystals – pick them up by walking over them or by using Vaca-Matic module.
Shadow Shards - pick them up by walking over them or by using Vaca-Matic module, found together with Crystals at more dangerous depths of Delves.
Kami Dragon Egg Fragments – very rarely from picking up Shadow Crystals.
Gleamstone – requires Level 1 Omni-Tool, can spawn at any depth
Moonstone – requires Level 1 Omni-Tool, can spawn at any depth
Geminite – requires Level 1 Omni-Tool, can spawn at any depth
Blazine – requires Level 1 Omni-Tool, can spawn at any depth
Builderite – requires Level 4 Omni-Tool, can spawn at any depth
Quirkstone – requires Level 4 Omni-Tool, can spawn at any depth
Chronozine – requires Level 4 Omni-Tool, can spawn at any depth
Sparkzite – requires Level 4 Omni-Tool, can spawn at any depth
Ancient Gears – requires Level 8 Omni-Tool, can spawn at any depth
Lunarium – requires Level 8 Omni-Tool, can spawn at any depth
Mightstone – requires Level 8 Omni-Tool, can spawn at any depth
Everlight – requires Level 8 Omni-Tool, can spawn at any depth
Day Drop – can spawn at any depth
Moonlit Moss – can spawn at any depth
Wallflowers – can spawn at any depth
Dream Dew – can spawn at any depth
Acrobat Bark – can spawn at any depth
Queen Trumpets – can spawn at any depth
Cave Kelp – can spawn at any depth. Do not mistake it with
Pressurized Cave Kelp!
Cogwine – can spawn at any depth
Builder's Blossom – can spawn at any depth
Sun Sap – can spawn at any depth
Cave Birds – can spawn at any depth
Fireheart Flower – can spawn at any depth
Cinnabar - can spawn only in Forbidden Depths delve biome
Fiery Feathers and
Sagely Blue Dragonscales - can drop from monsters only in Forbidden Depths delve biome
Primordial Flame - can spawn only in Volcanic Vaults delve biome
All these materials are used in crafting and upgrading Geode Modules at Module Forge, used for crafting various consumables and collection items at
Crystallogy Workbench and used for crafting decorations at
Geodian Workbench.
drops from delve caverns are not limited per week or any other time frame. The more delves you complete - more you get. However, keep an eye on the timer - if you go collecting all ores instead of completing Delve Objective you will not be able to proceed to next depth.