mount_dragon Rig
The suggested model for this rig is Azorian the Blue

Albairn to StarfireDragons


Apollo, The Radiant RulerDragons

Aquarus ,The Aquarius lordDragons
Accepted 2 years ago
Arcanium DragonDragons

Armored Shadow DragonDragons

Art DragonDragons

Ashfire DragonDragons

Atlas the data destoryerDragons

Accepted 7 years ago
Aurum, The Angel GuardianDragons
Avalian, The White WolfDragons

Balefire DragonDragons

Bat DragonDragons

bee dragon normal wingsDragons

bee dragon vfx wingsDragons

Bentley, The WheezingMounts

Bismox, Chromatic WardenDragons

Blade Lord DragonDragons

Bootsy, The Old Boot DragonDragons

Bunny dragonDragons

Caledon , The Forest MisteryDragons

Calrina, Lady of The GreenDragons

Candy Corn DragonDragons

Cassian, The StormbringerDragons
Celestial HydraDragons

Chaotic DragonDragons
Accepted 8 years ago

Christmas DragonDragons
Accepted 8 years ago
Chromatic BladewingDragons


Cloud DragonDragons

Cochotl The Aztec DragonDragons

Dark Mushroom DragonDragons

Deep Sea DragonDragons
Accepted 8 years ago
Diamond Primordial DragonDragons


Dragon Mount thingyDragons

Ehko - Sonic Assault DragonDragons

EL.C.TR.C.T PrototypeDragons

Eleris, The Celestial VoiceDragons

Ender DragonDragons

Estelline, Icon of CareDragons

Ethan, defENDER of ShadowsDragons
Fancy DragonDragons

Faz Esse Official DragonDragons
Flaminus,The flame throwerDragons

Fortuna,The Charm of LuckDragons


Geode DragonDragons

Gingerbread DragonDragons

Green Primordial DragonDragons
Accepted 8 years ago
Heartseeker DragonDragons

Hellfire DragonDragons

Hidden Dev Snowcone DragonDragons

Holovaen F-4 Mk. VIDragons

HorseShoe DragonDragons

Husken DragonDragons

Ignif, Origin of LavaDragons

Infineon FortrasCosmetics

Jadebound GreatSpiritDragons

Jukebox DragonDragons

Karadal the TemplarDragons

Kathalos Dragons

Lucry, The Star's DescentDragons


Luminopolis DragonDragons

Lunar PhoenixMounts
Accepted 5 years ago
Mandarin Duck DragonDragons


Mech-edition hydrasnekDragons

Mexidrack, the OathkeeperDragons

Mixter, the Dubstep MaestroDragons

Mushroom DragonDragons

Necrow DragonDragons

Neon Spark DragonDragons

Neon to FortrasDragons

Ol BootgonDragons

Onyx dragonDragons

Ostara, the Blossom SpiritDragons

Parado the Radiant watcherDragons

Pinata DragonDragons
Accepted 8 years ago
Pizza DragonDragons


Qubesly GliderDragons

Rain and Thunder DragonDragons

Razor the Cyber DragonDragons

Rideable Red DragonMounts

Sakura DragonDragons

Santa's Reindeer (Frozen)Dragons

Santa's Reindeer (Red Nosed)Dragons

Santa's Reindeer (Standard)Dragons



SH.D.W PrototypeDragons
Accepted 8 years ago
Shadow HydrakkenDragons

Shadow Hydrakken V2Dragons

Shadow Piñata DragonDragons

Shadow SerpentDragons

Slime LordDragons

Sol, the Everlasting LightDragons
Accepted 9 months ago
Soulfire DragonDragons

Steampunk dragonDragons

SunForge, The Armored LightDragons

Sushi DragonDragons

Terrpac DragonDragons

The Guardian of DustDragons

The Guardian of UndertowMounts

Thunder DragonDragons

Toothless, the AdorableDragons

Toxic DragonDragons

turtle dragon v1Dragons

Two Headed DragonDragons

Two-Headed Peppermint DragonDragons

Undertow DragonDragons

Vakker The BeautifulDragons

Valentine DragonDragons


Vangrad, the Iron WingDragons

Vaydaeon The VoluminousDragons

WoodenClad DragonDragons
Ydraggsil, the Forest DragonDragons

Yiazmat, The Holy DragonDragons

Yveltal [Mod from China]Dragons

Zombie DragonDragons

[Classified] PrototypeDragons

[Dragon] Fairy DragonDragons

[Dragon] Flora DragonDragons
Accepted 8 years ago
[Dragon] Jet Wings, F.T.LDragons
Accepted 7 years ago[Dragon] Night Jet, N.J.Dragons