
Adventure Portal

Venture with your friends to an Adventure World.

Tervezte: Trove Team

Dev Tracker 3
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Adventure Portal"

There's probably a bug if you're seeing all of the same dungeon across various zones of the same biome in an Adventure Portal world. Dungeons used to be tied to specific biomes, but Courtland recently implemented the capacity to distribute them via lists instead of 1:1 biome:dungeon relationships. I.e., tundra zones now point at dungeonlist_tundra instead of dungeon_frigidhalls, dungeon_ecospire, etc. Dungeonlist_tundra has four entries: Frigid Halls (yours), the Eco-Spire (Kungfu's), Frozen Mines (Folly's), and the Arkbreak (Dyz's). I'll check it out after the stream, but if anyone else is seeing all of the same dungeon in an Adventure Portal world instead of an ~even distribution of available dungeons, chime in here.

If I remember correctly, each portal tier is going to have a different VFX corresponding to the type.

This is why we are letting you craft all of the adventure portals! Within your own Homeworlds you can set them up however you want. We're curious to see if with all the tools we use to create the hub if anyone can do a better job and draw people away from the current hub world. We obviously still have some work to do to provide you guys with everything, but it won't be too long now until you can do it all.