Pumpkin Effigy
Allows Trovians to donate Flux, Glim, and Pumpkins to the Pumpkin Effigy, granting Elsphodel's Blessing for three hours once each week.
Imported in Patch: The Trouble with Titles 设计者为: Trove Team
Database Links
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Database Changes
Changes in the database for Pumpkin Effigy
blueprint changed from

December 12, 2023 December 12, 2023
name changed- from '$prefabs_placeable_crafting_events_october2023_buff_name'
- to 'Pumpkin Effigy'
October 5, 2023 The Trouble with Titles
description changed- from '$prefabs_placeable_crafting_events_october2023_buff_desc'
- to 'Allows Trovians to donate Flux, Glim, and Pumpkins to the Pumpkin Effigy, granting Elsphodel's Blessing for three hours once each week.'
October 5, 2023 The Trouble with Titles
Entry created
October 4, 2023 The Trouble with Titles