Usages Download

Builder's Crafting Bench


A crafting station for interactive workstations, crafting benches, forges, professions, clubs, and portals. Oh my!

Imported in Patch: Preparing For Launch Edition デザイン者: Trove Team

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Eclipse Patch Notes - August 22, 2017

Eclipse patch notes introduces Gem Stat Augment and Reroll System, Subclasses, Shadow Tower Foyer, Shadow Hydrakken, Darknik Dreadnought, New Dragons, Trovian Atlas updates to the Fae Trickster and more. This page was created automatically from http://fo...

August 18, 2017 Patch

PTS Patch Notes

PTS is planned to be up this long weekend, due to be shut down Wednesday morning. Test the new Trovian Atlas and Sub Classes....

June 30, 2017 Patch

Database Update - Preparing For Launch Edition

This is our first attempt to generate a change log since the new file structure was implemented, the following changes have been detected in the client files for Preparing For Launch Edition....

June 30, 2015 Database Update

Preparing For Launch Edition

This patch continues to update the UI, adjusts crafting benches, tweaked class ability descriptions and more. Source:  Forum Discussion: http://forums.trovega...

June 29, 2015 Patch