Face of Flow
Colour Code: #000000
Type: 66
Style: 0
A source of water. Refreshing!
设计者为: Trove Team
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Это руководство для получения всех редких рыб в Trove. (Update[8/8/15]: Добавлено цветовое обозначение жидкостей и добавлено еще одно возможное ме�...
August 24, 2017 RU
This is a guide to obtain all rare fishes in Trove. (Update[8/8/15]: Added color coding for liquids and added another possible location to catch soaring flamefish.) (Update[12/8/15]: Fish trophies were added in game. )...
August 4, 2015 Basics
Liquids and Organic Blocks 101. ...
April 11, 2015 Building