Adventuring through the wilds of Trove is a serious workout. When you need to kick back, relax, and recharge, we’ve got you covered with Cornerstones. Well, not literally. That’s dangerous. Seriously, cornerstones look like they weigh a lot.
Source: http://www.trionworlds.com/trove/2015/06/29/trove-unboxed-cornerstones/
Cornerstones are your personal, 16 x 16 home base. You can place your Cornerstone on any unclaimed plot – just look for yellow signposts surrounded by dark grey patches of land. When you first start out, we provide you with a cozy starter home with the basics you need for your adventures, including these handy items:
- Class Changer – to change between any of your unlocked classes
- Rejuvenation Station – to refill your Flasks
- Adventurer’s Crafting Bench – to build powerful tools
Moving a Cornerstone is easy. Walk up to the sign post of any unclaimed plot, press the E key, and your blocky abode will be summoned right to you! There’s no cooldown on claiming a cornerstone, so feel free to put down roots wherever the spirit of adventure takes you. When you claim a new Cornerstone, your previous plot will be available for someone else to make their own.
Your Cornerstone is just for you; customize it to your heart’s content without any fear of losing what you’ve created! However, while the 16 x 16 space of yourCornerstone will always be with you, remember that the rest of the Trovian world is procedurally generated and changes over time. Anything built in the open world can be lost or modified by other players. With just a little bit of exploring, you’ll find amazing Cornerstone creations that have been assembled, piece by piece, by your fellow players.
If you run into trouble, death doesn’t have to put you back to square one. Once claimed, you’ll spawn back at your Cornerstone!
Your Cornerstone can be a simple place to unwind after a long day of adventuring, or you can create wonders that leave all who gaze upon them awestruck. The only limit is your imagination!