Hey all,
The first order of business. As per the title, the winner of the vote was indeed the Dragon biome.
Frankly we had so many good suggestions and so many which had support that I can guarantee you that this isn't the only biome we'll make from the list (or even from all of the suggestions). First things first though - this is the biome that won and it's the one we'll be making off the bat.
Let's talk a bit about this biome. It's important to keep in mind that we'll be taking the overall concept and 'Trovifying' it. This means that we're not going to suddenly have massive enemies or even massively terrifying ones. We're going to make it our mix of badass and fun. You might have seen us mention that we've been experimenting with lava and this seems like the perfect place to unleash it. So we'll be making this an obsidian and lava themed area with dragon nests, bones, and some dragon type baddies to fight.
Our timeline places this work after our current upcoming biome (the Fae Wilds) and class (the Fae Trickster).
Now it is again your chance to shine. It's time to design the class. Will you go for the obvious or will you mix it up? It's up to you guys. Read on for the guidelines:
The guidelines for designing a Trove class
- The theme is the most important thing, and we reserve the right to modify or change completely any or all abilities the class might have. We will seek to always maintain the spirit and soul of the design of the class, but it's possible we either will change or discard any specific design elements.
- The player will appear 'humanoid' and has a face with the ability to wear a hat, face slot item, and wields a weapon of some type.
- Speaking of weapons, we've learned that bigger is in fact better (when it comes to interesting designs), so think about that if you're thinking about a new class of weapon.
- Classes have a passive ability, two active abilities, and an ultimate ability. It's good to think about at least one mobility oriented ability, since those are fun.
- Think about how the class does its damage. Does it want to take damage? Avoid it? How does playing the class and feeling awesome lead to also being the most effective?
As before: make a thread, post your idea, and link it here.
Have fun! Get creative! And I'll see you on the other side.
(note: I'll edit this tomorrow with a final deadline, expect about a week again for this).
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