2 years ago 8 entries

For the next two weeks we're encouraging our community artists to draw Trove fan-art related to the recently finished Elysian Offensive event. Rewards this time include some of the best value mastery packs we've listed including 2020's Shadowy Selection, Babels Bank, Fiery Friends, Sunrise Spring and Vibrant Joy.

Thanks to hutatukikouga for the art featured in this news.


Please only submit work that you have done yourself, please do not use screenshots, art taken from the internet or AI generated.


  • Monday, August 28 to Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Edit: Extended by one day


  • Winners will be able to claim a code for either 2020's Shadowy Selection, Babels Bank, Fiery Friends, Sunrise Spring, Vibrant Joy or Reward Tokens
  • Highlights will receive 2x Reward Tokens
  • Valid entries will receive 1x Reward Token


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