Summer Pin Edition
Trove Forums
June 1, 2015
Patch notes have been posted for the latest Trove patch.
Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?20151-Summer-Pin-Edition
Patch Discussion: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?20159-Trove-quot-Summer-Pin-Edition-quot-Patch-Discussion-Thread
- Summer pinatas are now in the store! They have new styles, mounts, and craftable decorations.
- Chaos chest has been randomized! Contains the preview for the Fae Boughskimmer plus Bloodseeker Wings and the Draconic Galleon, as well as Cotton Candy!
- You can now purchase a 10-pack of Pearls of Wisdom, for the cost of a mere 9 Pearls!
- Level 1 characters now start with 150 health and 25 health regen.
- Spikes now actually do damage over time, instead of in a big burst.
- The Adventurer's Bento Box has been retired. The Neon Dragon Kami Box Adventure Box is now live!
- Adventure Boxes now give flux and glim only at common and at more randomized rates.
- Higher rank Uber difficulties now have notably larger drop chances for high rarity equipment.
- Uber 1 now drops higher rarity equipment slightly less often.
- Does having to find components in your inventory and chests when you forge make you sad? Do you wish it worked just like crafting? Us too! We've drafted a legion of Ladybugs of Light to search all of your chests and your inventory to find ingredients for forging, and magically bring them to the forge!
- Store-bought mounts and goods should now trigger a confirmation prompt if you try to drop them in the world.
- Fae now have creature voices.
- Made stat ordering consistent between forge UI and tooltips.
- Fixed a bug where players would sometimes hover in empty space for a few seconds after the loading screen had dropped.
- Fixed a bug causing rare pets to not deconstruct into Glim.
- Shadow level 3 and 4 rings now deconstruct into more resources.
- Shadow level 3 equipment deconstructs for less at high star values.
- Shadow level 1 and 4 equipment now deconstruct for more across the board.
- Relic rarity equipment now deconstruct for slightly more.
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