Trion have posted a new community blog with club world highlights for May.
Source: http://www.trionworlds.com/trove/2015/05/29/explore-the-latest-cubic-creations/
The amount of talent in the Trove community is truly awe-inspiring, and it’s on full display in our picks for the best Cubic Creations of May! While we’d love to show off every voxel masterpiece in the game, it would lead to one of those web pages where you have to scroll a REALLY long time to get to the bottom. Did you even think about your poor mouse wheel? We did. You’re welcome. Here’s a mouse-wheel-friendly sampling of some of the best creations this month!
Lich Crypt Dungeon
Stedms has created another great dungeon for Trovians everywhere to explore! This dungeon boasts towering stone parapets and massive staircases on all sides leading to the entrance. Inside the Lich Crypt you’ll find a wonderfully designed dungeon that guides you through to the final boss while leaving a few secrets for adventurous players to stumble upon.
Flux My Life Club World
The brilliance of this Club World is in the details. You’ll be able to hang out near the fountain, take a quick trip to the chess board, and stop by the second floor of the castle to check out a classic portrait you won’t want to miss! Hop onto your Mag Rider to enjoy the scenic route.
The Watchtower Lair
This lair by Arnoxuz puts you right into the action. Navigate up the tower with jump blocks while avoiding flames and fighting your way through the undead. When you get to the top of the tower, keep your fingers crossed that you don’t face the Skeletal Viking!
Spectrum’s Club World
When you jump into Spectrum’s Club World, make sure you look up. Unless you’re afraid of massive dragons. If that is the case, whatever you do, don’t look up! This dragon-themed Club World has to be seen to be believed.
Weenie Kingdom Club World
The Weenie Kingdom Club World is a beautiful park with lots of lush, green grass, and trees as far as the eye can see! This is a great place to hang out with your friends, and you can feel secure in the knowledge that the Weenie King is watching over his subjects.
WTFSay Club World
What can one say about a Club World with huge water pillars, a beach, a boat racing course, AND a winter wonderland stocked with presents? Words can’t do this Club World justice, but maybe a new word will encapsulate the vibe here: splenderificativeness! We were wrong, words can do it justice. That word right there. If we had a mic, it would be on the floor right now (from having been dropped).