On Thursday, June 15, Dan hosted a Stage on the Trovesaurus Discord server to discuss the latest patch on PTS - Fluxion.

You can read the patch notes here: https://trovesaurus.com/page=5353

Please be aware that these notes are taken from a player and their interpretation of the answers given, thanks to Zoranza for taking the following notes of the chat.


🔹 Fluxion will appear every Tuesday -> Thursday each week.

  • First week = vote
  • Second week = buy

🔹 Fluxion will bring 25 items to be voted on.

  • The following week the top 5 items that won the votes will be available for purchase
  • If 0 votes were cast then 0 items will appear.
  • If 1 vote was cast then the 1 item will appear.
  • If there is a tie the then first 5 items with winning amounts will appear.

🔹 Items that win the vote will be ineligible to appear the following week.

  • Votes that are cast for items that do not win are not lost
  • Those votes will be reapplied to the item, the next time it appears to be voted on.

🔹 You may vote as many times as you have flux to cast votes with.

  • you may use alts to cast votes
  • If fluxion is abused (people using alts to abuse the voting system) then changes will be looked into;

🔹 Possibility of a cap being implemented if needed in regards to fluxion voting, at this moment there isn't anything set in stone for it.

  •  Every vote you cast costs more than the previous vote;
  •  Looking into making a system where you can place multiple votes at one time (scroll to the amount you want to cast) and spend the flux in one go to cast x amount of votes.
  • will be watched over time to see if adjusting is needed

🔹 This is a flux sink that; dumping flux to vote on the item you want to appear the following week.

Possibility of Happening:

If something wins fluxion vote, will not show up in the next week.

atm fluxion /luxion don't 'talk' so an item -might- appear in lux soon after. 

"I don't care too much. But I understand it could be a 'feel bad' moment. If it's requested I can look into it." -Dan

If it is overly abused it may end up having this system entirely removed

Side Note from Dan:
Luxion might eventually not get updated, and convert over to fluxion. (Big might)

🔹 Question and Answer Section 🔹 

Luxion's prices fluctuate a lot; how will Fluxion handle prices?

"I went back and re-evaluated the prices of Luxion. I tried to apply a cost range based on each item's type. Some types were grouped together."

"For example, Skins that have not appeared yet from events were added and have a very high cost of 250-300. Many prices may have gone up or down in this wave, but they should not change going forward."  - Bliza

Will Emblems appear in Fluxion?

"I believe the emblems are not in the Fluxion list, since they're now available from the Weavings of Wonder merchant." -Postcard

Will all platforms have the same items at the same time?

All platforms will deviate based on votes of the items in fluxion; they will not be the same between them all.

At first, they will be, but as people vote on items it will change which items can appear in the following weeks and so on.

What happens if you already own an item (such as collected) and can not normally buy it from Luxion when it appears? Can we still buy it from Fluxion?

If you have an item already owned; and you can not claim it naturally through Luxion, then if it wins you will still not be able to claim it via fluxion either, at this moment.

Can the New Biome in Delves show up in Depth Steppers the same way Crack the Court can?

At the start it's only in special depth steppers (that you buy / craft); The biome will seep into normal depth steppers over time. (Similar to how Crack the Court (Biome and Mobs) / Wolves Den (Mobs) started with just the special steppers and over time were added to normal stepper floors and biomes)

Will consoles and PC ever be re-synced with updates?

PC and Consoles won't be synced because it takes time to push things through certification while PC had to wait

Console Update?

All 3 updates for consoles should come out shortly after this goes live for PC. No specific timeframe was given.

Tax Update brought up; won't it just create more inflation?

When tax update comes to consoles it is expected to raise prices for a while. Inflation will rise as people try to adjust to not lose flux.  It will be watched and adjusted over time.

Inflation is more flux being added to the system and not leaving the system;  a build-up that needs to be levelled out. [paraphrashing]

What about the Alt abusers in regards to Marketplace

They are tracking all mp/tradepost transactions.

The people that abuse alts for trading/mp are being watched / shouldn't be able to actually sell things on the mp.  (I'm not sure how they trade / mp ban, just that it is said it is happening)

[Post-Stream Note in regards to questions about what amounts to 'Alt abusing' for the Marketplace]
"I'm hesitant to say anything about the marketplace question, since I wasn't there when it was asked and I'm lacking detail.  We also don't want to teach people to avoid detection.  That being said, as long as what you're doing is not clearly abusing the game and the economy, I wouldn't be concerned." -Postcard

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