Heckbugs in Love 2023 Special Sale – Until February 21, 2023!

Trovians, love is in the air during this very special time in Trove! 💘
Conquer the Dragonfire Peaks dressed in new outfits, on new mounts, and accompanied by new allies!
Fall in love with our Heckbugs in Love 2023 Special Sale from February 7, 2023, at 11:00 AM UTC until February 21, 2023, at 11:00 AM UTC – in our in-game store on all platforms!
For a limited time only, the brand-new Huge Heckbug Horde pack is here to spread some extra love, with the Heckfly Carriers wings, the Heckwrangler mount, the Heckfly Hovercraft boat, 3 costumes, and much more:
Huge Heckbug Horde
In addition, the following Heckbugs in Love packs will make a return to the in-game store:
Starcrossed Heckbugs
Hued Heckbug Hive
Heckbug Huddle
Have fun in Trove!
With love,
Your Trove Team! ❤️