The famous World Wildlife Day introduced by the United Nations will take place as every year on March 3rd.

Let us celebrate this extraordinary day, which is so important for our future and that of our earth.

Come join us in Trove to save endangered species – we are talking about Triceratops in Trove!

Go for a very special species in the Jurassic Jungle with your Dino Tamer. Take a photo of a Triceratops in the Jurassic Jungle with your Dino Tamer (your character name being visible in the photo) but do not kill him 😉

Post this screenshot in our discord server – until March 6, 2022 at 10:59 PM UTC! Each valid entry will receive 1x Dev Dream!

Conditions of participation:

  • The general rules apply to this event.
  • You can only participate once per discord account and player.
  • You have to enter your character name, your platform, your region, including the screenshot of your Dino Tamer (with his name visible in the screenshot) in the Jurassic Jungle faced with a Triceratops, in your entry message.
  • The deadline for participation in the event ends on March 6, 2022 at 10:59 PM UTC.
  • The team members’ decisions are final.

Let us all save the endangered species together!

Best wishes,

Your Trove Team!

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