Skip the Blender portion of the tutorial and export straight to .fbx in qubicle 2.0! It has been updated as of 5/12/2015 to export directly to .fbx format! Huzzah!!


For the past few weeks I've been tinkering, pondering, and struggling with PopcornFX on finding an optimal and streamline method of making something in Qubicle and implementing it directly in Popcorn.

Well... As of a few days ago the .dae/Collada export tool of qubicle 2.0 is rather... excellent.
(Note: You'll probably be able to skip the Blender steps when Qubicle 2.0 exports directly to .fbx in the next few upcoming updates).

So, since I struggled with learning some of this stuff, I've decided to put together this guide with my recent findings in PopcornFX.

So...Uhh... Let's begin!

Qubicle 2.0 (Or equivalent .qb to .dae/.obj/etc./exporter)
Trove Mod Loader

Make/Find/Do Something in Qubicle 2.0 and then export it...

(Using settings like these...)

Import it through Blender...

The next process involved double-checking the vertices:

At this point you can export it from Blender as a .fbx file.
...Now open up popcorn and your Trove relevant project.

Then do this:

Now open it up and "build" it in popcorn by double clicking:

Make sure your diffuse texture is changed or included:

You're almost done...

A few notes from Ocgineer:
Quote Originally Posted by Creator, Builder, Streamer, Ocgineer
You can set the origin of the the DAE export (Qubicle 2) with:
- select the matrix
- Modify > Export Pivot
- If you want to see the pivot click the small cogwheel top-right and mark "Mesh Export Pivots".

When exporting with the correct Pivot go in the matrix and use Export > DAE.
I had trouble with wrong pivots when doing Export Selection > DAE.

^^ This all could be done in Blender as well but this is easier if you have QB2 ^^

When you want to update the mesh (rebuild) make sure to delete the generated texture png file in /textures/meshes as well, else it will hang when building assets.

You can also just remove or leave out the png file as it doesn't have to be used. See the skull and dancepad.
They both reference to a .png file that is nowhere to be found, instead it will default back to the EmissionMap.
By doing this you can set the color in the spawner script or CParticleEvolver_Field instead of using static colors from the texture file.

A few small examples of the possibilities: