Particle VFX Editing

Okay, so you've just finished creating your mount, but you want to add that extra oomph to it, right?

Well this is a bit of a grey area for me too, so anything I say is based off my experiences alone (though that was the same with the previous section too, so okay); if you have a question about the limitations of this particular section, the only answer I can give you is, "try it and see what happens, because I have no idea."

An important note: As far as I know, you can only edit existing VFX on a mount, not add new VFX. You are, after all, only editing an existing mount's assets.

I would recommend replacing your mount's existing VFX with VFX that already exists if you don't know how to make your own.

If you want to make your own VFX, here's a tutorial video to get started learning Popcorn FX. It's got a steep learning curve, but if you can power through it, you can customize your mount that much more.

If you do know how to make your own VFX in Popcorn FX, go for it. I'll experiment with this myself and let yall know how it goes, but I have no guide currently on how to do this.

If you want to use another pre-existing VFX file, then keep reading.

Step 1: Find the VFX you want to use to replace existing VFX

Luckily for you, the devs put a folder in the Live folder that previews every single VFX without needing to look at it by opening the program they were created in. It's just a picture of the VFX in action, but it'll come in a lot of handy when you want to decide which vfx will replace your mount's current VFX. In the Live folder, click on "textures", and inside that folder will be a TON of pictures with the EXACT FILENAMES you'll need for later.

The mount-based VFX have extensions along the lines of character_mount_mountname_mountaction/status or so.

You're probably going to want to pick a mount-based VFX to change existing mount VFX. I'm not saying "don't use VFX that aren't from existing mounts", but I am saying "I have no idea what's going to happen if you use a VFX file that's not meant for mounts for your mount."

When you've found the VFX you want to replace your mount's current VFX, it'll be time to move on to the next step.

Make sure to keep your "textures" folder Window open, it'll come in handy for the next step!

Step 2: Create a folder for your VFX and find the VFX file you need

Okay, the next thing you need to do is go into your folder that contains all your .qb files and your "blueprints" file, and make a folder labeled "particles", lowercase only.

Inside of your "particles" folder, you need to make ANOTHER folder labeled "VFX" (all caps needed).

Inside of THAT folder, create a folder called "Particles" (with the uppercase P this time.)

And inside of THAT folder is where you're going to put your VFX file.

In case you're wondering "Why do I have to put so many folders inside of folders, this is silly." It's because you need to set up your folder structures to imitate the paths found by the actual folders in the Live folder, so that the files can be found/transferred by the modloader and be properly overwritten.

So where do you get the ACTUAL VFX file, since the files in the "textures" folder were just pictures of the VFX? Well, exactly the same path name for the folders you just created. It's in Live > particles > VFX > Particles. You've still got a window open with the "textures" folder open, right? Cause you're gonna need that.

In my case, I needed the Light Cycle Trail VFX File. So looking at the "textures" window and finding the filename, I'll root through the Live folder's "Particles" folder window until I find the exact same filename.

Once you find the VFX File you need, you need to COPY it from Live's Particles folder to YOUR Particles folder.

After you've done that, look back into the textures folder and find the VFX that displays your mount's current VFX. For the pinata, it was the pinata trail VFX. Double click its' name, and COPY the filename. After you've copied your existing VFX's filename, go into YOUR Particles folder, double click that name, and paste over the name of the VFX in there (leave out the extension from the copied name, you just need what's before the extension.)

There you go, you've done all you need to do to change the mount's VFX (unless your mount has more than 1 VFX on it, in which case you'll need to repeat this process for each VFX you want to replace.)

There's just 1 more step...

Step 3: Re-zip both "blueprints" and "particles" into 1 zip

This one's pretty self explanatory. Both your "blueprints" folder from earlier and your "particles" folder that you made during this section should be in the same folder together. Control-click them both, and create a .zip from BOTH folders. Name that Zip whatever you want the name of the mod to be, and follow the modloader instructions from before. And that should be everything! Congrats!


Q: "If i use qubicle to edit the model, do you know if ill have the same flipping issue? Or is it just more common with zoxel?"

A: "As far as I know, the developers use Quibicle to actually create all their models, so there's a greater chance that since it's reading its' native file format (.qb, instead of Zoxel's .zox) it won't make any changes to the file or it will read it as it was originally read when the file was created."

Q: "Do you have any idea if there is a way to change the color of particle effects? I mean, take a particle effect you like, and just customize it to a new color? I'm not sure what a "pkfx" file is and don't have any programs capable of opening it at this time, any ideas?"

A: "You might be able to change a particle effect's color with the Popcorn FX Program that Trove developers use. There's a link to it in the first post!"

Q: "What programs do the Trove developers use for different aspects of this?"


Voxel editing - Qubicle Master Edition
VFX editing - Popcorn VFX
UI editing - Photoshop & Flash (iggy)
Animation - Granny and Maya
Audio - wWise


Want to try out my Neon pinata? It overwrites the regular Pinata mount. Download of the zip you can use in your Modloader is here: