This month in Trove, the number 6 is in the spotlight.

6 years full of joy, good laughs, adventures and games!
Happy Birthday, Trove!

Find all the 6s that you can find in our Club World (Equipe FR or FR Team on PS4 US) and take a screenshot with your character whith it’s name being visible. We won’t tell you how many 6s you can find, but one thing is certain: there are more than 6!

Post your screenshots in this thread until Sunday, July 25th 2021, at 9:59 pm UTC. Every valid participation (ALL 6s found) receives 1x Dev Dream. The first player from each language version (DE, FR and US) and each platform (PC, PS4/5, XBOX and Switch) who finds ALL 6s hidden in our club world will win 666 Nitro-Glitterine.

Conditions of participation:

  • The general rules apply to this event.
  • You can only participate once per forum account and player.
  • You have to enter your character name, your platform, your region, including the screenshot of your character with it’s name visible as well as the 6s found in our Club World, in the entry post.
  • Your screenshots must not be edited / revised.
  • The deadline for participation in the event ends at July 25th 2021, at 9:59 pm UTC.
  • The team members’ decisions are final.

Good luck to everyone!

Best wishes,
Your Trove team!

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