Additional Updates
- Melody has been updated to make it easier to use Bard abilities. Melody now caps at 11. Bard's basic attack now upgrades at 3 and 7 Melody. Jubilent, Peaceful, and Battle Songs now remove 3 melody when used, down from 5.
- Melody no longer ramps up to change the available buff - it now swaps with every melody gained.
- Bardsong bar has been updated to reflect the above changes and display the current trigger for Melody gain.
- Bard's melody bar has been given some juice.
- Adjusted Bard related crafting recipe costs.
- Increased the Bardium spawn rate in Tier 5 Geode Caves.
- Entrance depth in Private delves has been changed back to being based on how your current class performs in Public delves. We are continuing to investigate other solutions regarding Delve depth selection control.
- Q'bthulhu Corners will be a little more common at depths 162+ in private and public delves.
- Fixed an issue with the map not filling the UI.
- Fixed the Bard fishing animation.
- Updated Bard ability and Bardium descriptions.
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