Let’s honor the three most influential Ladies in Trove!

For World Women’s Day, which takes place today, March 8, 2021, we honor our three most influential Ladies in Trove: the Moon Goddess, the Sun Goddess and the Daughter of the Moon.
Let us know – in response to this post – which of the three you would like to marry, with which of the three you would just like to have a little date with and which of the three you would rather see dead. Explain your choices by adding a short sentence and a photo (screenshot or hand drawn) of the Lady you wish to marry! Do not forget to state your name of your character as well as the platform and the region.
Post your answer in this thread, until Sunday, March 2021, 14th, at 10:59 PM UTC. Every valid participation receives one Mount: Princess Prancy Prance.
Conditions of participation:
- The general rules apply to this event.
- You can only participate once per forum account and player.
- You must indicate your charname, platform, region and post your answer including the answer to the questions mentioned above, the explanatory sentence as well as the photo in the entry post.
- The deadline for participation in the event ends March 2021, 14th at 10:59 PM UTC.
- The team members’ decisions are final.
Good game everyone !
Best regards,
The Trove team!