Metaforge is a special place in Trove, designed to work as built-in Voxel editor.

General informationTop ^

Metaforge can be accessed through Trove itself, it is mostly used for creating Dungeons, but it is possible to edit all sorts of blueprints and qb files in there.

While logged in, type /mf or /metaforge to see a pop up message asking you if you want to close Trove and open Metaforge. Typing /mf while already beign in metaforge would make you reload it. Only way to exit metaforge and return to real Trove would be to Exit the game and launch it again. For the account entering metaforge counts as logging off.

Upon entering, you spawn as a Knight class in the middle of completely flat white square 250 by 250 voxels with the Building Inventory filled with items required for Dungeons.

It is not possible to switch a class or use skills in Metaforge, but instead the knight has 100 jumps and some very useful commands and hotkeys to work with.

While in Metaforge, one can use F9 to switch to Flight mode, F10 grants free camera movement.

To work on something in Metaforge you can either load a blueprint it, or start creating something right away.

If you start on blank, you would need to /save Name_of_your_creation your progress, that would create a blueptint named Name_of_your_creation in your Games\Trove\Live folder, unless you specify a full path to the file.

If you wish to work on a blueprint or qb that already has something in it, you would need to load it in first. To do so you can simply drag that file from the folder into the Metaforge, or you can type a chat command /load Blueprint_Name , but it must be located in Games\Trove\Live folder to load in unless you specify a full path to the file. Dragging in works from any location.

To save changes to blueprint or qb you are currently working on type /save.

Block placing and removing works exactly same as Build Mode in Trove does. But in Metaforge you can also /floodfill a cluster of same colored blocks with an item you have active on your hotbar and /replaceblock with same effect but only for one exact block you are pointing at.

Metaforge Command listTop ^

To sum it up:

Command Effect


or /mf

Enter Metaforge in-game Voxel Editor. Restart game to return to normal Trove
/load Loads the blueprint from Trove\Live folder unless full path is specified
/save blueprintname Saves the blueprint to Trove\Live folder unless full path is specified
/save  Saves the edits to currenty loaded blueprint or qb file
/settime <0-24> Sets the time in metaforge to specified hour
/floodfill Floodfills the cluster of blocks you are pointing at with a block thats currently active on hotbar
/replaceblock Replaces one block you are pointing at with a block thats currently active on hotbar
/debugtext Displays Ping and Voxel Count (elements) information
F9 Free flight mode, hides player, press again to disable
F10 Free camera mode, press again to disable
F7 Hides ui, press again to disable
Ctrl+Z Undo the last action. Some actions like /floodfill can not be undone!
/dungeon Loads a dungeon file from specified location
/timelapsedungeon   Loads a dungeon file from specified location room by room, for debugging purposes
/stoptimelapsedungeon Cancels or stops /timelapsedungeon command
/wadd Adds a stack of specified item to your inventory
/decopreview Dispays a decoration preview in the middle of Metaforge from a blueptint located in Trove\Live, \blueprints or \override folders


Following commands do work inside of metaforge but better used outside of it because of default Knight class in Metaforge.

Command Effect
/weaponpreview Dispays a weapon preview on a selected class from a blueptint located in Trove\Live, \blueprints or \override folders
/hairpreview Dispays a hair preview on a selected class from a blueptint located in Trove\Live, \blueprints or \override folders
/hatpreview Dispays a hat preview on a selected class from a blueptint located in Trove\Live, \blueprints or \override folders
/facepreview Dispays a face preview on a selected class from a blueptint located in Trove\Live, \blueprints or \override folders

Metaforge For DungeonsTop ^

Upon entering Metaforge, in the build inventory you can find all the various items used in Dungeon creation.

  • GM NPC - placed to spawn a monster. Lairs spawn 5 out of all placed, Dungeons 25.
  • GM NPC Trigger 1-4 - functionality currenly disabled
  • Barricade 0 - barricade blocks used in Shadow Dungeons, must be located in same blueprint with miniboss quest, they are removed once quest is completed
  • Barricade 1-4 - functionality currenly disabled
  • GM Quest - placed in 1-star Dungeons to spawn a boss or cursed skulls or in Dungeons for miniboss spawns
  • GM Boss Quest - placed in 3-star Dungeons and Radiant lairs. Spawns major Boss
  • [prefab=GM Master Quest] - placed in 5-star Dungeons only. Spawns Dark Heart, which starts a timer on a dungeon.
  • Minigame Teleporter - Purple vfx portal in game, connects to other portals of same type within a dungeon
  • GM Quest Teleporter - Yellow and Blue vfx portal in game, should be placed in end Boss room, spawns upon quest completion, connected to other portals of same type and to GM Quest Teleporter Outside
  • GM Quest Teleporter Outside - Yellow and Black vfx portal in game, should be placed on the outside of dungeon or at its entrance, spawns upon quest completion, connected to other portals of same type and to GM Quest Teleporter
  • Line Turret Red \ Blue - active trap, shoots fireball in a straight line. Same colored turrets shoot at the same time.
  • Flame Turret Red \ Blue \ Yellow - active trap, shoots as flamethrower. Same colored turrets shoot at the same time.
  • Aimed Turret Red \ Blue - active trap, shoots homing fireballs. Same colored turrets shoot at the same time.
  • Falling Trap - active trap, falls down on players within 12 voxels under it.
  • Spikes - trap, damages players if they walk on them. 
  • Vanishing - dissapear after some time once player walks on them.
  • Horizontal Launchpad - jumppad, launched player in a direction of arrow on it. More launchpads placed next to eachother give greater boost if player steps on more than one at a time.
  • Vertical Launchpad - jumppad, launched player up. More launchpads placed next to eachother give greater boost if player steps on more than one at a time.
  • Water - liquid, half a block. Only used for 1-voxel deep liquid bodies. 
  • Lava - liquid, half a block. Only used for 1-voxel deep liquid bodies. 
  • Placeholder - fake air block, invisible upon dungeon generation. Used for fake air block roofs above dungeons to prevent terrain from covering them.
  • Various Plugs and Sockets - used to connect rooms in dungeons and to plug in dungeon into world socket. WARNING do no use Red Socket - GM PLUG 0, those are placed in world by game itself.
  • GM Large Blocker - 19x19 blocker, used for advanced dungeon generation.
  • GM Small Blocker - 5x5 blocker, used for advanced dungeon generation.
  • GM Dark Heart Spawn - used to spawn Radiant Shards in Radiant Lairs.
  • GM Quest Player Spawn - used in minigame maps.

On top of that, you can use a special /wadd command to add anything to your inventory. For example, typing /wadd placeable/deco/easel_01 would add 1000 of Artsy Easel decorations to your building inventory. You can find paths to items on top of their personal pages on Trovesaurus.

Those added items would only exist in Metaforge, exiting or restarting it will clear the inventory back to default items. It is also possible to drag .prefab files from Extracted client folders to Metaforge, that would have same effect as /wadd but could be more time-saving.

Comments and Likes Comments 5

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Can my Dungeon then appear in e.g. the game or my club, or will it only be available by opening some file in MF? And will I be able to create it somewhere as a Framework?


The dungeons can only be 'spawned' by players within the Metaforge.
You can upload your dungeon to Creations , once it gets Accepted by Developers and added to the game - it will spawn in whichever biome you make a dungeon for, same way as all the existing dungeons do.

Currently there are no ways to get player-made frameworks into the game, sorry.

I'm pretty sure it's a dumb question, but to be sure. Can you run this also on playstation? :D


Hi, sorry, i have no idea. If you play on Playstation you could try yourself. Type /mf or /metaforge and see if that does anything. Expected - it would pop up a window with a conformation if you want to go to Metaforge or not. 

However, even if you could get in im not sure how would it work as usual /load and /save commands rely on using file paths. I guess only way to find out would be to try that.

If you do try - please leave a comment on how it worked out (or not) for you. Thanks in advance!

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Note: When opening the map on Metaforge it seems my game crashed


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