Continuing our community spotlights next up is the Modder Kentuky. He is responsible for the No-Leaf Rover and various UI mods.

This Modder was nominated to be interviewed by MagicMate.

What can you tell us about yourself?Top ^

A: Hello there, I'm Kentuky, a 22 years old guy from Brazil, I play Trove since Alpha and I'm currently studying nursing. While I served in the Army I remembered of Trove and started playing again, I'm glad I went back to playing Trove because otherwise I would not have met my girlfriend, her name is Yukinoryuu and we are doing almost 2 years of dating. When I'm not studying I'm doing mods or playing some games, being them Trove, The Wicther 3, League of Legends, Monster Hunter or Skyrim.

Where does your name come from?Top ^

A: Well, my name doesn't have a big story behind it and I never had a fixed name in the games, so when I was playing Perfect World I saw a player with the name Kentucky and I thought "Kentucky, hmm, I liked it", so yeah, I basically stole his name(shhh don't tell anyone). But not to be equal to his name and the name of the state, I removed the C from it, since then I am known as Kentuky by my friends. (yeah, sorry for disappoint you guys)

How did you learn about Trove and why did you start playing?Top ^

A: I heard about Trove through my friend Moruk in 2014, after we stopped playing DayZ on ArmA 2, he invited me to play ArcheAge during the Beta and at the same time we were playing Cube World, Cube World didn't received any updates for a long time and then we started looking for a similar game, it was then that he found a giveaway in the reddit giving away Alpha Keys for Trove.

What's your favourite part of Trove? What keeps you coming back?Top ^

A: My favorite part of Trove is definitely the mods and the community of modders, what keeps me in Trove is being able to bring my ideas to the game and I always seek to do everything that I do with excellence, and most important of all, being able to play with my girlfriend. I'm trying to teach her how to modding and who knows in the future we don't do another collab.

Outside of Trove do you have any experience modding?Top ^

A: Not really, I would not say modding but messing around with some files, a few years ago I modified some files on our DayZ server, I added more buildings on the map and changed some scripts. I kept a server with my friends and it was really cool, but unfortunately the game ended up dying and at the same time we moved to other games.

What inspired you to start modding?Top ^

A: My creativity, my desire to share my ideas with the community. But I also remember looking at other people's mods and seeing how amazing they were, in that time I always wondered how to make mods, I ended giving up so many times before I finally made my first mod.

What motivates you to continue modding?Top ^

A: The community for sure, knowing that I'm helping people and that they like my mods it makes me want to continue. Also, I would say all the support and guidance that comes from people, they don't know how thankful I am for that. (well, now they know hahaha)

Which other modders work inspires you?Top ^

A: I would like to highlight two of my favorite modders which inspired me the most, ExoDave and TheSymbol, for their amazing job helping the community with their QoL mods, Novuhz for their awesome and helpful VFX mods, Timmy for his help and guidance through VFX modding, without him some of my mods would not be possible to do, thank you Timmy, MagicMate and Delicious for their feedback, which helped me to improve my work before releasing it, so thank you guys for that.

How did it feel when your first mod was accepted?Top ^

A: It caught me by surprise, I didn't really expected the mount to be accepted because of the other creations of more experienced modders, I thought the Devs would pay less attention to me because I was a beginner. Thanks Argonaut for giving me the idea of ​​the mount, without your idea I would not have an accepted mod.

What are you most proud of creating?Top ^

A: I don't have a specific mod that I'm proud of, but obviously I have my favorites, like Dark UI Collection, Star Guardian Revenant, Easy to See Critter's Desire, Better Racing Rings, to resume all my UI/VFX mods that help the community, but if I choose one of them it would be the Star Guardian Revenant, because I spent two weeks to detail it, to do the shading/gradient and to modify the VFX. Honorable mentions to the Star Guardian Dracolyte because this was my first collaboration and it was with my girlfriend. I remember that we spent 3/4 weeks planning how it would be, how the costume will look like, creating and polishing the costume, I was in charge of the Hood and the VFX, it was quite challenging for me because it was my first time really learning how to do vfx in PopcornFX and it turned out quite the way I imagined. (If you want to see the vfx, you can see it in my mods)

What is your design and creation process?Top ^

A: I don't have a specific method, I just make what I can see as soon as I get the idea, I normally start with an idea and I begin to work it in the Qubicle, after some time, I tend to know where I want to things to be and how I want them to look like. For the UI/VFX modding I think differently, I think if it's relevant or if it will help the community in some way, except VFX for costumes.

What tools do you use to create mods?Top ^

A: I started to make models with MagicaVoxel, but their tools were a bit limited at the time, I wanted to work with more models in the same scene and MagicaVoxel didn't allowed it, it's good for simple and small models, but it can be difficult to work with larger models . I know it's now possible to put several models in MagicaVoxel, but I'm working with Qubicle now and I got used to it, so I don't think of using another voxel editor. For VFX I use the PopCornFX, if guys are wondering which version I use. There's also TroveTools.NET for extracting and compiling the files/mods, it's a handy tool to have around.

What is the most challenging thing about creating mods?Top ^

A: I think that most challenging about modding is how to get the shading looking right, also, saving each and every individual piece of a mod with a lot of pieces is the worst part in my opinion.

Which top 3 mods from yours or other modders would you like to see in the game the most?Top ^

A: Without any particular order:

Star Guardian Revenant

Costumes Revenant mod created by Kentuky



Mounts mod created by meekoz



Costumes Boomeranger mod created by B_Y3LL0W


What advice would you give to new modders starting out?Top ^

A: For those who want to give life to their idea, don't be afraid, look for the guide 101 how to make mods from Evilagician or enter in the Trovesaurus discord, go to the #modders chat and ask how to create mods, we will be grateful to help new modders.

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