Time to put those green thumbs to the test! Do Trovians even have thumbs? There’s no time to waste worrying about that, St. Qubeslick 2019 is only here until March 26, 2019!
Take on eight new event adventures that give a glimpse into the new and improved gardening system coming to Trove later this year.
Opening dungeon loot chests during the event grants Lucky Dust that can be used to craft Clover Seeds and Lucky Stars at the Wheel of Seasons bench.
Plant your Clover Seeds and use your leet gardening skills to help them grow. Once these plants reach a crucial stage of development, you can toss Lucky Stars at them to imbue them with luck!
Clovers that are imbued with enough luck with grow into Lucky Clovers; a new consumable item that boosts Magic Find by 50 for 1 hour.
St. Qubeslick 2019 may be here for a short period of time, but stockpile enough Lucky Clovers and fortune will ever be in your favor.