2/6/14 Polishing Edition
Trove Forums
February 7, 2014
- Map facing now matches the character instead of the camera.
- Fixing an issue in the Character Sheet where stats with 5 digits get truncated.
- The character sheet will now update stats when you equip/unequip items without needing to reopen it.
- Gunslinger bullets now pass through players.
- Gunslinger bullets now pass through loot.
- Added sounds to the Gunslinger's Charge Shot.
- Guns spawn in the world as loot larger than previously.
- Pushed out fog distance.
- Improved golden torch visual.
- New community items from Arkhero, Rokas, Squid, and Cretoriani have been added to the game!
- New community items from fmcisaac, DiddyKonga, Yodax. QuantumVoxel, Dyzfunctional, Naatti, and Tribe have been added to the game!
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