Additional Updates
- Note Added: Gold Companion Eggs now spawn very rarely in Tier 5 caves, and Silver Eggs spawn very rarely in Tier 3,4, and 5 caves (with increasing probability).
- Fixed several client crashes.
- Improved block deconstructing behavior during Bomber Royale to reduce "ghost" blocks.
- Fix for an issue that could allow players who had disconnected to appear alive on the Bomber Royale scoreboard.
- Fixed an issue where ally effects could be used inside Geode caves.
- Improvement for Climbing Claw behavior during latency.
- Coin Collection and Race Challenges have had their timers increased by 15 seconds.
- Anti-Gravity blocks can no longer be replaced by other blocks when building.
- Players can no longer push themselves outside caves with the Prospecting Platform.
- Cave critter status effects have been set to high priority to ensure they appear for all video settings.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes multiple companions could be equipped in the Geode Caves.
- Fixed an issue where Reliquaries would sometimes be unequipped when going in to the Geode Caves.
- Fixed an issue with the Barbershop where characters without a hat equipped might not see the hairstyle preview images.
- When dead, the Bomber Royale scoreboard will no longer appear over the Claims or Clubs windows.
- Fixed an issue where the Bomber Royale scoreboard could remain open after returning to the Hub.
- Power ups in Team DeathMatch should show the question mark box again.
- The Token Reliquary now has a reveal time in the item's tooltip.
- Opening any Reliquary will now grant credit for the Opening a Reliquary step of the Geodian Expertise Thread.
- The Hub icon has returned on the Map.
- The lost Saloon Bot found at the Rainbow Tree dungeon has returned to the Frontier biome.
- The Revenant's Spirit Spears now properly animate again.
- The Ice Sage's passive now properly protects it from sliding on ice blocks again.
- The Vanguardian now responds to button inputs after leveling in ranged mode.
- (PS4 Only) Re-enabled music for the Geode caves and Bomber Royale.
- (PS4 Only) The Geode Frameworks should now appear properly in collections and the Geodian Workbench.
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