Yesterday, Trove senior designer Adam Hetenyi spoke at PAX East panel, discussing where the MMO genre is headed and how Trove will be involved.
How Trove is involved in the future of MMOs:
- Trove has smaller, faster updates rather than slower, bigger ones. The game is treated like a television series rather than a cinematic film-- players need frequent "hits" of entertainment.
- Trove has a strong emphasis on user-generated content, which strengthens the tie to the community, keeps the development team small, and enables that much more content to be added. The intenional 'lo-fi' art style allows users to jump in and make content with ease, particularly people who have never done it before.
On crowdfunding:
- "All upside".
- Trove has a traditional publisher (Trion) but still gets a lot of the benefits of the crowdfunding through things like early access, etc.
- Crowdfunding gives the developers an immediate connection to the customer and their feedback, and allows customers to be involved in development, which produces a better product. Early supporters tend to be more invested.
- Don't screw over your customers.
Living up to expectations and defining your game:
- Rapid integration process: less time between development/design and implementation means more time to determine what you're trying to do with the game.
- Developer's ideas don't always end up being "fun".
Discussing "pay to win":
- Pay to win, even being perceived as pay to win, is a "poison pill".
- That being said, developers have to make money because it's their livelihood.
- You can't get power out of Trove's in-game store, but you can buy speed (in the form of crafting materials) and status (costumes, etc.).
- World of Warcraft will last forever.
How do you maintain your playerbase when faced with juggernauts like WoW?
- "You update all the damn time."
- Be in people's faces, show them what you're doing, and rely on players to publicize the game.
What single improvement could be made to make MMOs about people again?
- Trove's focus is on cooperative gameplay. People feel "really really good" about working together, particularly when building things.
- Developers need to find more and better ways to allow people to share their creations with others (such as through social media, streaming on Twitch etc.).
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