Hey everyone, here's a complete guide on how to install mods on mac :D
Steam Version of Trove on mac:
If you have the steam version of trove on your mac, the solution to installing mods simple:
- Search up the mod you would like to install at https://trovesaurus.com/mods
- Copy and Paste that name into google with the like so "Steam trove mod:______" with the blank replaced with the mod you copy and pasted.
- click on the result
- Find the link which leads you to the steam page of the mod.
- Click Subscribe
- Relaunch trove
- Your Done :D
Glyph Version of Trove on mac:
This version if a bit more conplicated, but you can do it :D
for others reading this thread, to get mods on mac for trove for glyph( this is ONLY FOR GLYPH, NOT FOR STEAM):
- download the tmod. file of the mod from an external device(for ex: chrombook) ( for me the mod file keeps showing up as mod.php on mac, which is why step 1 is neccesary)
- put it on google drive
- Go to mac device, open google drive, and download the tmod. file onto macbook.
- Open trove
- command+tab
- right click on the trove icon and hole the right click --> you will see a menu pop
- Select "show in finder" from the menu --> this will show you where trove is in finder
- close trove
- right click the trove icon that's in finder
- click "show contents" from the menu that pops up
- go to the resources folder.
- go to the mods folder
- Drag the .tmod file in mods folder.
- Open trove
- click "esc" on your keyboard
- select mod
- You wil see that the mod is enabled!
The Glyph version of this guide is actually also on https://www.reddit.com/r/Trove/comments/7kyd66/how_to_get_mods_for_trove_on_mac/
On this reddit page, I have posted the question as the username "plumsmashers" then answered my own answer in the comments.
For those Mac trovians out there,
hope this helped ;)
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