- Equipment and items now persist across all worlds and patches.
- Equipment now eventually becomes destroyed over time. All equipment lasts for three days (tracked per day logged in) before being too damaged to use.
- Trading 0.5 is in! Visit the trading post. You can only trade one of a thing for now.
- You now have a mining laser! This can be used by holding down the right mouse button in build mode. Visuals in progress.
- The Lasermancy stat will improve the power of your mining laser.
- Leveling up now grants much more power. Knights get up to 100% extra health and 50% damage and health regen. The Gunslinger gets up to 100% damage, 50% health, and 15% energy regen.
- World blocks are now more resilient to combat attacks.
- Performance improvements (especially for ATI users and people standing next to Xoruk's cornerstone)
- Some enemies can now shoot, look out!
- Updated VFX on melee weapons
- Dungeons no longer can be looted of their torches or other deco.
- The tree fort dungeon now appears in all Medieval Highlands biomes.
- Stats across rarities have been brought closer together.
- Picking up loot and gaining XP now appear in their own section of the screen and not in the chat box.
- Fixed a bug in the Inventory where dropping a piece of equipment would change the colors of the remaining eqiuipment.
- In world tooltips are temporarily smaller than they should be, we're looking in to it.
- New items from Liux, Miquail, Kalypsos99, Encounter, Ivulcano, Teal, Dok, Ryusei92, Crizo, Zap, Chiara, and Tribe have been added to the game!
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