September 2015
- Users can now see questions they have asked through a new url and the profile, example: http://www.trovesaurus.com/user=10860/sakurashae/questions
- Users can now automatically see the styles they have accepted into the game from the new URL on the profile, this is set from the in-game name field, example: http://www.trovesaurus.com/user=100/milambit/styles
- Mod author lists can now be filtered by type and hidden mods are displayed at the top of the list
- People who block ads now will see a notification at the top of the site, sorry :)
- Commenting has now been activated on mod pages, mod authors get email notifications of new comments if they have an email address set on their profile.
- Page comments are now back onto our own comment system and not Livefyre
- Started cleaning URLs for user profiles
- Added the ability to set Mastery and Classes in your profile
- Added a sidebar widget to display information for your top class.
August 2015
- You can now view mods that replace a collection item on the collection items page, e.g. http://www.trovesaurus.com/collections/wings/mastery20
- Added support for the shoutbox / chat system to have multiple channels, have added one to club pages as a test.
- Condensed the guides section on the sidemar, more work is needed.
- Added a profile setup sidebar box to draw attention to things people can change about their account, including username changes, setting in-game names, forum profile urls, email address and chat icons.
- You can now view what clubs you are owner of on the Profile page
- Added a form on all pages for logged in users to report broken content or make suggestions for the site.
- Clubs comment system moved over to Livefyre
- You can now set your in-game name in your profile, we use this information for giveaways.
- You can now set a user icon in your profile, it is shown on your profile page, replaces the profile button image, and is used in the chat box.
- Added emoticons to the server status page, and the ability to post links
- Added a chat box to the server status page
- Added icons to the front page to allow quick access to main DB pages
- Removed box surrounding header and content in news and guides
- Added ratings to guides and mods
- Added support for series of guides, if an author has the same Tag for their guide, other guides they create with the same tag will show at the top of the guide.
- Updated the classes page to show weapon types and abilities in a clearer way.
July 2015
Update #2
- Added icons to the nav bar
- Added an option to view mods on the mods page as a grid view.
- Applied the blue boxed theme down the entire home page, news now displays 4 full width previews instead of 1 full, 3 small. Recent mods have been tightened up and now display 6 instead of 3.
- Redesigned the style page layout to be more useful for people
- Meet the Devs set of interviews moved to the News page, to help de-clutter the front page.
- Adjusted the navbar to allow single links into sections, then from those sections you can move into others. Trying to de-clutter the site.
- Created the basics of a trading post system
- Overhauled the appearance of the Mods list in the profiles page.
- You can now set your forum profile URL in your Trovesaurus profile, this will help people who look you up here to find you on the forums and will help to locate your game account during targeted giveaways.
- Fixed an issue with untagged items pagination not working
- Unassigned item models now displays the correct items, not all the items anymore
- Fixed several newer items not showing icon correctly
- Added a donations progress bar to the top of the site, this helps people see progress towards purely community funded server hosting costs.
Update #1
I haven't been very good at updating the change log over the past month so I will resume from here.
- Added the ability for people to create their own Articles
- Status page now generates a queue graph of the last 24 hours.
- Developer Interviews are now featured on the front page
- Old Trove Toolbox packages are now listed on the Toolbox page for people to download if they desire
- The Profile sidebar section now links to and shows how many Guides and Mods you have created.
- Reduced front page livestream highlights from 9 to 6 and added a livestream summary stating active number of streams and total viewers.
June 2015
Update #4
- livestream leader boards changed to now show average viewers instead of most
- 3 livestreams are now shown on the front page
- Vendors now show their lists again
Update #3
- Articles, Guides and Pages now has a new commenting system
- Front page design has been changed again
- Guides page has been made cleaner, grouped by tag
- Clubs props are now shown over time in a graph
Update #2
- Added a server status indicator to the sidebar
- Cleaned up the top of the mods sections
- Dedicated page for professions, showing recipes split by skill
- Dedicated page for classes showing important stats, guides, abilities
- News that have been posted in the last 8 hours will now be highlighted on the side bar and front page
- Updated the design of the item page
- Fixed an error with the recipe importer which meant the recipes in the longer categories on large workbenches were missed out.
Update #1
- Added a daily bonus indicator to the sidebar, times are still being finalised
- Trovesaurus' Twitter account now announces when Trove livestreams start
- Adjusted the search results page to display results on a single page where possible
- Flasks have been updated to support vials and emblems, effects and obtain information have been set.
- Added mod view counters and the ability to sort by views on the mods index
- Added notices that we'd like a guide on several sections, with suggested questions they answer
- Fixed profession recipes not being imported, improved ways to display this will be coming
- Allies page can now be filtered by category, and list now is split by category
- Fixed several instances of costumes being the incorrect name
- Fixed several instances of collections being in the wrong category
- You can now merge your local account with a social account. The social account must not have been signed into the site before.
- Added download counts to mods from the mod authors user page
May 2015
Update #4
- Added comment indicators to page previews
- Improved the pagination system for the mods db
- Re-arranged the site header, and moved to a bootstrap nav menu
- Hid recent news from displaying on the front page
- Condensed the staff and dev tracker sidebar sections
- Collection pages now have a new layout that uses tabs
- Mounts page now splits up results per category, has category filters and now displays if the mount is obtained from a pirate vendor
Update #3
- Mods index now has icons to display links to the forums, external downloads and trovesaurus hosted downloads, these icons are clickable.
- Cleaned up the side bar and the home page
- Enabled file uploads in the mod section
- Condensed the page buttons on the mods page
- Better aligned the mods sidebar section
Update #2
- Added a filter by Mod Status option
- Added a My Mods report button
- Added an indicator to the amount of unclaimed mods you have
- Updated the layout of the Edit Mod form
- News will now automatically be tweeted out on the Trovesaurus Twitter
- New dev posts will now automatically be tweeted out on the Trovesaurus Twitter
Update #1
- You can now use the links section for Troxel, and you have a much smaller url
- Download links can now be set for mods
- Troxel links can now be used for mod previews
- Random taglines now appear on the top of the site, want to suggest some?
- You can now login with Google and Microsoft accounts.
- Enhanced information displayed on recent mods sidebar
April 2015
Update #4
- Updated mod page layout again
- Livestream leaderboards are now back showing the streamers with the highest amount of viewers, and the streamers who have streamed the most frequently.
Update #3
- Updated individual mod pages layout
- Updated how some item pages display the recipes they are created by, and are used to create
- Item and collection pages now link between eachother with embedded information
- Item, collection and mod pages now intelligently look up mentions of them on the forums and lists the threads with links
- Created a dedicated page for Flask, Mag Riders, Allies and Crafting.
- Fishing page has been updated with Chocolate and Enchanted fish.
Update #2
- A dedicated page for Mastery information has been created, and is now visible on the home page
Update #1
- Boats, Wings, Mounts and Fishing dedicated links have been created and are now visible on the home page as well as the Database menu
- Trove Links section now displays a category choice, and shows all results if you select a category
- Fixed an issue importing Boats into the correct collection type
March 2015
Update #4
- Cleaned up the Dev Tracker
- Increased sizes of all tooltip images
- Clubs have an updated URL format and can now have tooltips, Example
- Made public the Forum Tracker, which shows poular forum threads in a date period
- Added a database of Trove Links
- Mods can now have tooltips when linked, Example
- Removed the option to register a new local account
- Added a button to show the old login form for legacy accounts
- Added a notification at the top of the site if no email address is set
- Clubs and mods now list results in the global site search
- Costume mods now can be assigned a subtype, to be used as extra filters for the classes
- Mods page now has a visual category selection
Update #3
- Items, Pages and Mods now have a cleaner URL format, older URLs will still work for now
- Pages now have a cleaner URL format, older URLs will still work for now
- Released early version of public Tasks list and forms
- Brightened the tooltips
- Added news images to the sidebar
- Increased news preview on the sidebar to 3 pages
- Updated Recipes DB
Update #2
- Added some drop down nav menu items
- Added related pages when viewing news and guides
Update #1
- Updated the patch update tools to better detect renaming and change of descriptions, as well as make a format easier for me to publish articles for.
- Added an Activity widget to the sidebar, listing updates to collections or items DB entries
- Removed parts of the old patch system, patches are now displayed using the page system that ties in with news and guides. For now the old patch system will generate the IDs needed to tie the other databases together.
- Enabled user tooltips
- cantaffrond received permissions to:
- Create News articles
- Added a Staff widget to the sidebar, listing what people are responsible for
- Removed the ability to comment on a user profile page, encouraging people to send messages instead.
- Added copyable links for sharing URL, linking using BBCode and Reddit on Items and Style pages.
- Notification system renamed to Mail system, you view a single conversation with a person at once.
- TeeKayM received permissions to:
- Update Collections
- Update Items
- Update Guides
February 2015
Update #4
- Recipe material amounts for higher numbers should now display correctly
- Fixed an issue with importing recipes where some recipes including the Worldspring recipes would not load
- Embedded 3D model viewer loads faster, thanks to Troxel (Ignitas)
- Embedded 3D model viewer now displays weapons and decorations nicer, thanks to Troxel (Ignitas)
- Styles DB changed from link filters to drop down box filters to save space, also added individual page links for results if there are less than 10 pages.
Update #3
- 4 random clubs are shown at the bottom of an individual club page.
- The 2 most recently updated mods and clubs are also displayed on the right of every page.
- Decreased the size of random items displayed on the individual item pages, increased amount of random items shown from 3 to 9.
- Condensed the 6 sections at the top of the front page into 3 sections
- In an effort to highlight news that is published, the 2 most recent news articles are now shown on the right of every page.
- In order to make the clubs index more reliable uniquisher has become Club Manager and has permission to update the props count on all clubs.
- Recently added mods and recently updated clubs are also added to the right hand side of each page.
- Mod authors can now submit their own mods
- Re-arranged the top navigation based on priorities
Updates #1-#2
- Forum Tracking has been enabled, you can now browse the most popular threads per date period.
- Skins added to the Collections DB
- Collections now show tooltips
- Added a google search tab as well as the standard DB search results
- Seperated Trovesaurus ads away from ArcheAge site ads, keeping an eye out of bad ones to block.
- Added some images behind the adverts to remind people that run adblocking software that we rely on the income, it also makes the site feel less like something is missing when ads are hidden.
- Added a mail reply button to the site private message system.
- Added the missing mail icon on the top-right of the site.
- Added a Mods DB listing game mods maintained by Dusty_Mustard.
- Unused Styles now also check the collections tabs for items, (not actually checking styles from collections yet)
- Imported Collections
- Split up the Ununused Styles list further weapons and weapons_1h have further categories.
- Added the ability to browse various filters for Styles and Items on the front page.
- Added more filters for Items
- Added a dedicated page for styles so that we can view Unused Styles in 3D and add information.
- Fixed an issue where Bow Styles were not being imported.
- Styles, Item and Deco tooltips now track the mouse and intelligently flip away from edges of screen.
- Added the Take Flight Update and new styles, items and deco.
- Condensed the Patch index page
- Added a patch widget to the front page
- Reduced size of unused style tooltip images
- Fixed the images to the Skins list
- Updated the Recipes DB
- Added the January Wonders of Trove with added World ID information.
- Added the Do Not Disturb Edition patch
January 2015
- Search results for pages no longer show the full contents for each result.
- Moved the most popular parts of the site to the top into sections
- Added a search box to the Items, Loot and Clubs sections on the front page.
- Applied some default styles from Bootstrap
- Lootboxes no longer try and provide a 3D model, they made the page extremely laggy.
- Fixed an issue preventing images uploaded to item pages from showing up
- Applied the site name to the site title, banner
- Added the Rich Raptor icon to the banner and favicon
- Added the Open Seas and Ally Edition patch
- Reduced the padding on the content box, and global network navigation bar
- Reduced the border on site boxes
- Moved the support Trovesaurus Donate button up next to the top advert banner
- Club preview image is now drawn from the club text body if there are no images uploaded to the club page. This allows people to link to imgur.
- Adjusted the Edit Club form to be clearer
- Added a What's New page to help keep track of changes
- Added a link to What's New on the donation section
Recent Pages