Turkeytopia is a Seasonal Event that runs from November 25 to December 1.

Buy 터키토피아 미스터리 상자
[Turkeytopia Mystery Box]
 from the Goods section of the Store for Cubits or Credits.

Turkeytopia BoxesTop ^

Turkeytopia Mystery Box: Contains mostly Turkeytopia recipes, rarely helmets and very rarely a bouncing turkey.

What is in the box:

These recipes can be obtained:

The following hat styles can be obtained:

The following mounts can be obtained:

How to use the box:

Bought from the Store using Credits or Cubits creates a Turkeytopia Mystery Box in your inventory.

  • Place the item in your Adventure Inventory onto your quickbar on the Q, R or T slots
  • Press Q, R or T to throw it down
  • A random recipe will spawn on the ground and automatically be picked up
  • Click on the recipe in your inventory to learn it
  • Visit the Turkeytopia Table to craft
  • Sell or trade duplicate recipes

Turkeytopia TableTop ^

The Turkeytopia Table is found in the Hub Worlds which you can access by using a portal or by holding H.

The building is to the right of the Adventure Portals and looks like a hat.

It has a preview of the items you can craft inside it.

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