Fasti has written a post on the forums letting us know that the [item=Ancient Scale] material cost for the [collection=Trolling Trawler] and Mastery points will be adjusted at an unannounced date.

  • [item=Ancient Scale] cost reduced from 200 to 3
  • Mastery points increased from 50 to 100



Hey all,

The price of Trolling Trawlers is too dang high!

I'm looking to get the exact timing but we've decided to reduce the cost in Ancient Scales down to 3. To be totally sure we're clear on that point the current number of Ancient Scales needed is 200 and when this change is implemented it will require three (3).

It is a massive reduction indeed. The original price was set using a lot of factors related to items of this type but based on your feedback and a friendly discussion internally it was felt best to bring that cost down. All the other materials needed will remain the same.

Mastery will be adjusted to 100 to be in line with the rest of the items in this class.

Hang onto your materials for now, once I know when this change will happen I will let you all know.

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