Trove’s Xbox FREEdom Rewards
Play Trove on Xbox One and get FREEdom Rewards to speed up unlocking the Legendary Dragon of your choice!
Adventure throughout our sprawling worlds to unlock 10 Dragon Coins every 30 minutes! You can earn up to 50 Dragon Coins per week just by playing Trove. What could be better than free stuff for fun?
Whatever your playstyle, everything is better with dragons. These Xbox FREEdom rewards are available now until June 15th, 2017.
Thanks for playing Trove on the Xbox One!
Share your thoughts on the Xbox FREEdom Rewards in this forum thread.
This article was automatically generated from official news posts, it may be expanded later.
Source: http://www.trionworlds.com/trove/2017/05/01/troves-xbox-freedom-rewards/

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are australians eligible because we dont have the rewards program anymore its been replace with microsft rewards?
Omg.. i,m now one of these guys... where's the ps4 love people...
But you get 5 dragon coins every time the game crashes.