Avarem and Atronos
Robotic Salvage
Something we want to do with Robotic Salvage is to make it easier to find Robotic Zones. If you want to go farm something you can find zones more easily.
Masteries are basically when you level up classes, earn ranks and professions, unlock new recipes, mounts, pets and styles. You get mastery points. Every 100 mastery points you get a new mastery rank. You can't farm this stuff. There is a fixed amount. When we add new content to the game there is new mastery ranks. Each time you rank up you get a reward. Rank 50 mastery will be available soon.
Shadow's Eve
Next week will be Shadow's Eve for a couple of weeks. We are putting a whole new hub together, new mounts, new mag riders, black cat pet, some new helmets. Pumpkins to harvest.
Patch Frequency
Now we are in Beta we are going to have one big patch a week. We're still putting in the same amount of content, but to keep the game being more stable, we've had some crashes last weekend. We haven't been happy with how stable it's been. In Alpha it was fine, it let us do work faster. We want to get the game to be more stable in general. One patch a week is still super fast for most games. We're going to aim for Tuesday.
Old Recipes
We have a plan for old recipes. I don't know when we'll do this, it's not super high on the list. The plan right now is to combine 5 recipes and turn it into one that you don't have.
New emote
We're going to have /pose soon.
Open Beta
We're going to do a free weekend. We haven't officially announced it yet, but it's coming up.
EU Servers
The first thing we are going to try, is if you go to adventure worlds and are flagged as EU you'll go to one hosted on Amsterdam. Maybe in the next couple of months.
Hellbug Mount
Fae Spider Mount
There could be, that's a lot of legs to animate.
We're probably not going to do it. The game isn't a PvP game and we don't want to balance classes around it. We like staying focused and running big events, we want to add the cool stuff that meshes with what the game is. It also keeps our community nice.
Trove portion starts at 1:00:00