Notes from the most recent Trove Livestream containing future updates, changes and weekly Q&A Segments.
Source: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthread.php?113359-Trove-Livestream-Notes-09-12-16
Welcome to the latest live stream notes thread!
Today's stream showed a recap of previous stream regarding chaos crafter, see previous weeks notes for info on that addition to the game and info regarding chaos chest changes and chaos cores.
New costumes were shown off that require crafting via chaos cores at the new station, they will be untradeable as per previously mentioned and will not drop from chaos chests as a reward.
Part of the chaos chests update is that they now contain flux.
Future plan was mentioned about being able to take the vfx off of costumes and allow it to be used on any costume to give more customisation to the players and their look.
The algorithm for chaos chests was mentioned briefly in that while you may grind dungeons and a time based factor is in there, speed grinding wont make you get loads of chests.
Tradable credit pouches can be bought and they give 250 credits each
Next weeks livestream will show the Snowfest event which will be a 4 weeks event.
Questions and Answers Session
Are all costumes going to be in this new crafting?
Right now the plan is to add most new costumes to chaos core crafting.
Why would you make super magical costume craftable?
Its a chaos chest reward but its a premium craftable due to the vfx
Do you have an estimated amount of mods that Keetsie will be allowed to add in the next couple of weeks?
I don't but she's doing a lot of hard work to pull as many as she can.
Will drops looted from CC be tradable?
Some yes but some no, the cc specifics wont be however old holiday prizes and store items are still tradable such as the metalhead magrider.
How rare will chaos chests be for f2p players?
They will be a lot more available to f2p players now than they were as you can see via PTS which feedback is appreciated on. Wanted to make it so everyone can play and earn the chests so better access is available for all who play since they can be farmed.
Will you increase the chaos factor from patron?
Its something that we will be keeping an eye on over time, if it seems like it its something that will need changing then there is a potentialness to it.
Will old chaos chests drop chaos cores?
Existing chests will stay tradeable and have all the new loot tables so yes they will have access to the cores.
Will chaos chests drops for mostly for higher leveled players?
No, they are very accessible due to the new drop code, even the more casual players will get a decent drop rate fr the chests.
None of this is affordable for moderately active players and the game will die because you are devaluing items too much. Feedback?
A lot of the changes are targeted around a more average player getting access to the system such as decreasing the resources needed for crafted mounts
Change of mastery points for costumes?
Level up costumes gives 35 each, and store costumes will give 70
Will we get a way to change cores into credits when we start to amass many after getting everything?
We understand some of our hardcore and dedicated players will get these quite quickly and respect the effort and going to try and keep a balance but don't think credits is going to be that option.
Was removing chaos chests worth the player loss?
It will be a net gain in the long run, give feedback to help us refine, sure that players will get used to it with all the new variables and how it can be improved
Chaos drops still drop resources?
Yes they'll still drop cupcakes, wood etc
When is this change going live?
When will Avarem next stream?
Maybe sometime during the Xmas break
New orb mounts?
Avarem likes the idea
Easier way to get dragon coins?
New minigames will give some more rewards, it was unclear if they will give more coins though.
Big plans for next year?
Leave it for next year, Avarem might talk about it on the last stream of the year
With all the dragons and costume changes, will cap go to 500 instead of 400?
Well have some stuff coming next year
Acid as a new liquid?
No acid fishing
Goldfish allies come to live server?
No answer
Why haven't seasonal PVP arenas gone in game to fit around the same time?
Patch schedule is a bit all over, Twixler apologises and will try.
Will there ever be shadow 5 radiant or stellar rings?
Yes, this has been previously answered.
Will there be a celebratory pin head?
Already in game as of last patch.
What update might the soul sink come into?
The one that lets you upgrade your weapons. This has previously been mentioned to be a 2017 update.