Which parts of the site would you like opened to translations? Let us know for a chance to win Trove Rewards.


  • Leave a comment on this article with what part of the site you wish to be open to translation via language packs
    • Be specific, and use images if you can


  • Monday, November 7 to Monday, November 14


  • 3 Reward Tokens will be up for grabs, which can be redeemed for the equivilent for a Trove Pack using the Trovesaurus Rewards System.



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Who got a reward? It dosen't say...

I think the most simple buttons, like "next", "reply" and "sort by" on coments, and maybe the buttons from the events, so no one would miss it :]

I would think that the Patch Notes page should be with translations, because lots of people read the patch notes, regarding that they might speak different languages. I also think that the Homepage should be with translations, because it's the main page that the Trovians get redirected to after entering the webpage - it only makes sense to make the main page the one with translations, otherwise, if there is something important to say by the Devs, some people might just miss it. Imagine that the fist people that click 'claim' wil get 1000 free chaos chests, and you don't understand what it says exactly, and you were the very first one on the page, so you just miss it. Imagine how you'd feel. So this is why i think that the homepage and Patch notes page should be with translations (I don't acctually think the Devs would acctually do a 1000 free chaos chests giveaway...).


With most urgency? guides/class builds. For new players, googling guides always leads to trovessaurus page

I think Mods, Gallery, Guides, Promotions, Calendar, and News should be translated because they are the main go-tos on the site.

 I would choose the guides


I'm new to this site however I would choose Titles for articles and offers.

Good Day i would like to suggest that this part of site (News, Events, Promotions) would be add on translation i have high hopes for this game , love the game and enjoyed playing.Part of Site that need Translation

Most of this can already be translated :)

I mean the Contents rather like the events the method how to join(Task) how to submit to attract more players to participate :D By the way thanks for the reply.

news and mods definitely

I think Guides would be a great addition to be Translated on this site. There is a large group of new players around the world that have a hard time with trying to figure out many parts of the game. From Mods to Gathering Guides it all helps the beginner get more involved in the game without the pressure of reaching out to the community that can be harsh at times on new players. When I started I misses so many things because the guided did not exist then and now it is kind of the same for people who do not read english.

That is my honest opinion on what would help on the site with the game the most right now. I know it is a great undertaking to do this and am sad I am unable to even help in this department being locked to one language. I also can not produce pictures to add as I can not translate myself.

Thank you for listening, KuanYin

there are lots of subtitles on pages and stuff that need to be translated

I think like the others, the most important is news. Unless it can be also the guides, and I can help to translate some of them into spanish.

Main page and guides

There are many titles and subtitles on this page, most of them are not translated (at least not into german). Thats a thing most of the older players could do and would be helpfull to youngerones.

like on  "Today in trove" or at the "Community apps"

just for some examples...

I think we need to translate "News" because there are more "trovians" for more different countries and it would be good for all that they know about the news about TROVE

I think the community page can be a good start. Then one by one, the subtopics on it.

I think the most important article that needed to be translated is the "News" page




So every person can enjoy what's going on!

PS. i wanted da pack :P

patch notes mods guides and database would most likeley work.

I think the patch notes should be open for translation! Also the Guides wouldbe great for an easier learning experience. (I tried to install mods once, and got really confused, because I was reading a guide on how to create mods, instead of a guide that teaches me how to install them)

I believe the Profile Pages should be open to translation, mostly Main supporters, so that it brings a better unity to trove players across the world can better understand each other. Plus I can add jokes only avalible in translation! lol.

Also, in the homepage i don't think it's too important to add it to some of the tabs like the art tab, since you don't really read art. I just think it should be the news and the events tab.


I would think that the Patch Notes page should be with translations, because lots of people read the patch notes, regarding that they might speak different languages. I also think that the Homepage should be with translations, because it's the main page that the Trovians get redirected to after entering the webpage - it only makes sense to make the main page the one with translations, otherwise, if there is something important to say by the Devs, some people might just miss it. Imagine that the fist people that click 'claim' wil get 1000 free chaos chests, and you don't understand what it says exactly, and you were the very first one on the page, so you just miss it. Imagine how you'd feel. So this is why i think that the homepage and Patch notes page should be with translations (I don't acctually think the Devs would acctually do a 1000 free chaos chests giveaway...).

Ignore the previouse comment. And considering the efffort needed to apply translations to the trovesaurus website, I think the main focus on translation should include the Homepage , Contest Pagesand mainly the New Patch updates in the news section. In the guides page, only selct guides regaring class basics and one selct beginners tutorial can be translated.

I think guides section is definitely the one

What part specifically?

Anything that could help new players improve; You can easily figure out how to get dragons, but they are not essentials. Explaining how gems work though could really help a novice player, or even an old one coming back after a lot of time

Ok I am sorry I totally misunderstood what the request was about, I'll try to correct myself asap, possibly adding screenshots

looks like translating on mod and tools could be usefull.

Which parts? too vague.

On the mod : Trovesaurus mod description, Sort by, The Category, Advanced Search,Browse Mod,Create mod , (i forgot one) . For the news, idk. I was thinking that by translating mod and news maybe could help people find something easier

Commenting section should also be translated

Thanks, this is great.

I agree with especially the home page part of this post.

News  Events

Sounds vague, what specifically?

Events, Promos

Too vague, what specifically?

contests, news, guides

Too vague, what specifically?

news and deffinetly guides!

Too vague, what specifically?

Well i think all the news should be covered but as far as guides i think certain ones like "the first five hours" and "how to get all dragons" vital things that alot of people can learn from both new and experienced.

Price database (To show the price ups and downs within 1week/1month/even daily).


Guides, database, classes

Just the headers? :)

Database, news and guides those are actually essential for any player that comes to any site.

I think that you should translate the NEWS, DATABASE, STREAMS, PROMOS and GUIDES

I guess I'm gonna agree with some other people guides would be the best choice to translate.

Perhaps I should highlight that written content such as news, guides etc can already be translated by others. It's not something I'm going to actively add myself. The aim for these promotions are to highlights elements of the Trovesaurus UI that would make sense to have translated. Such as "Next" or "Submit".

 News, especially the patch notes; and the chaos chest rotations page (https://www.trovesaurus.com/chaoschests), even if it's just the names of the loot.

The contest for sure :)

The guides would be great, i know i'm not translating patch notes to portuguese :'( but to be fair lately i have 0 time. About the labels on items, i guess when the translation to portuguese is done you'll be able to import those right? It would be awesome if you could search for anything with english or brazilian names! 

the news and mainly the guide(http://imgur.com/5QBCgVu)

i'm brazilian and i know english a bit, but not everyone knows

The guides page! https://www.trovesaurus.com/guides

The contests obviously, since thats why most of us are here :P

A classes would be a place to have translations.


The classes, guides and/or the returning players page.

THE GUIDES ! https://www.trovesaurus.com/guides because beginners need to know what stats do they do to their chosen class . and they need to know how to play them .

Guides    https://www.trovesaurus.com/guides

Perhaps the database? Not as in every single equipment name but instead the labels and all those headers

Why not open everything up for fan sub? I know I would totally translate everything in the website and even the game...

The time investment on my part to support that would be significant, so I'm ordering it based on the responses here.

The mods page should be translated so people know what they are looking at.

I think this page needs translation: https://www.trovesaurus.com/classes. People need to know about their class that they choose.

The guides section, in my opinion, would be most useful. Obviously this is not a small undertaking.  https://www.trovesaurus.com/guides


And kind of impractical now that I think about it

Pretty much what every one else said

Link bellow for screenshots (they're 5 of them so if i added them in this comment it would turn up really big)

Imgur album of the front site page

I think as a next what should be translated is Page with "Class":
and also everything what is page about specific class:

Because when someone new in game coming here as a first then he looking after information what class he should choose and showing it in his native language everything about each class.?
Many have dilemma on beginning what should choose and thanks this that we translate it into many language will help him a lot more in understanding what class will fit to his gameplay.

And sorry in first part of my sentence shouldn't be question mark.

In my opinion database should be open for translation.

I could probably hook up some automated reading from client for supported languages.

i think announcements would be nice translated. including contest posts. I would say database should be translated but currently that probably isnt worth it for the few ppl that do use it. I suppose its kinda linked with the other two but calander should probz be translated too.

News articles should already have the ability to be translated, with the Create Subpage, option.

what about button text?

I think the weekly challenge or news section of trovesaurus would be a great starting point to the translation.

The daily bonus / weekly events  at the starting page could need a translation
