Friday Trove Livestream! 12:30 PM PDT (7:30 PM GMT) August 19, 2016
Join us on the Trion Worlds Twitch channel at our regularly scheduled time to learn about our new class and biome. Plus, earlier in the day we’re bringing you live coverage of our big Gamescom reveal on the Twitch main channel. That’s two opportunities to hang out with us in one day!
Ask questions of the dev team via Twitter with #AskTrove or on our forums.
Trove Livestream
Twitch Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/trionworlds
Start Time: Friday, August 19 at 12:30 PM PDT / 7:30 PM GMT
Duration: 45 minutes
Make sure to stay until the end for a chance to win awesome prizes like a Trove Carpet, a Chaos Coin, and a legendary dragon!
Winners of giveaways will be notified via direct message on Twitch by the end of the day (Pacific time) on Friday. Be sure to check the Other inbox in Twitch as our messages are often sent there.
We’ll see you there!
This article was automatically generated from official news posts, it may be expanded later.