So if your seeing this guide that means one of two things: 1) You had no idea there was a leaderboard in Trove that gives prizes or 2) You noticed the Leaderboard but have no clue how it works and you want the prizes. Well I shall help enlighten one of the more unknown, misunderstood, and (currently) poorly implemented sections of Trove.
So let's get the obvious out of the way, the Trove Leaderboard tracks a wide assortment of ingame Stats and compares you to everyone else. This nothing new as a game concept. However, what you want to know more about are the Weekly Contests, but first some basics of the Leaderboard.
There are 6 categories that sort the various Stats, these are in order:
- Favorite (your fav Leaderboards)
- Contests (where the week's contests are)
- Meta (Mastery Point and Total Power Rank)
- Stats (Total Blocks Destroyed, Enemies Killed, Dungeons Cleared, and ect.)
- Power Rank (Where each of your Classes' CURRENT Power Rank are)
- Shadow Tower (where the fastest run for each Boss is)
Now for what you want to know about, Contests. Each Contest has 5 tiers of prizes which are based on where you are on the Leaderboard. The higher tier prizes also give you the lower tier(s), so shoot as high as you reasonably can.
Now there are 5 Contests that run weekly which are as of the current trend:
Mastery Point Contest which seems to run permently. It is important to note that this Contest should be ignored by most players as mastery point are gained slowly and as such the longest playing players have all but locked it down at this point.
3 Random Power Rank Contest. Three classes are choosen at random from the Power Rank Leaderboard. Like the Mastery Points Contest, a large number of players will not get very high on these for a few reasons. 1) To get anywhere you will need quality gems (mostly Radiant/Stellar Empowered Gems), which uses the normal PR gate involved in getting stronger. 2) The most powerful players will move gear and gems from the main(s) to other classes last minute. 3) If you dont have the class or dont use it often then it most likely wont get you prizes.
1 Random Other Contest usually from Stats Category. There are 2 major differences from this Contest to the other 4. One this, Contest is based on the current week's stats not all-time. This, for the most part, makes it more fair. Second, the first 2 prizes are earned by reaching certain counts of that stat, like 100 Dungeons completed. As such you are basically garaunteed 2 prizes a week.
While Contests from the Leaderboard are a great way to get powerful and rare items, like Chaos Coins or Rare Chaos Chests, the current form is broken in favor of the Long Term players. But with effort and time you can get great rewards.