Well, you want to do your first trove mod but you don't really no know? This guide is for you!


In this guide, we will see how to do a basic trove mod. Because it's basic, I won't show how to make particle effect.

You want to make a trove mod? If yes, this guide is for you. If no, why you clicked on this guide?


This guide will show you each step to make a mod in trove. From A to Z (But only the simple things)


1.Finding all your folders

This is a very important step, because you can't really do a mod without the original files.

To make a mod you'll need to have those folder open (I'll explain why later)

(The first emplacement is for those who use steam to play trove and the second is for those who don't)


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Trove\Games\Trove\Live

C:\Program Files (x86)\Glyph\Games\Trove\Live


-QbExport (If you don't already have it, create it in the live folder with the name qbexport):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Trove\Games\Trove\Live\qbexport

C:\Program Files (x86)\Glyph\Games\Trove\Live\qbexport


-A folder where you'll put all your mod file (Mine is named !mods and is in the trove folder, but it's not mandatory):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Trove\Games\Trove\Live\!Mods

C:\Program Files (x86)\Glyph\Games\Trove\Live\!Mods



C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Trove\Games\Trove\Live\blueprints

C:\Program Files (x86)\Glyph\Games\Trove\Live\blueprints

If you're like me, you'll have something like this: 

but fear not, you just have to use this thing: DevToolExtractor and it will give you a folder named extracted, the correct blueprint folder will be in it.

To use it, put the file in the live folder, open the .bat file and press Y and enter and it will start extracting.


2.Finding the correct blueprint:

Now, the most complicated part of this guide, finding the correct file for your mod.

I say this because as you can see, Trove is very complex when you talk about game files. But trovesaurus is very great for making mods (Not only because it host this guide) because in this you can find the name file of each items and costumes.

there is an exemple

For items, mounts and allies, you only need one blueprint, the one linked to the item.

For costumes, you'll need each part of the costume like this exemple: 

I suggest to use the searching bar in the top-right of your folder to quickly find the file if you are with Windows


3.Transforming these blueprints into Qbfiles


Take all the blueprints you need and just put these in the file named devtool_dungeon_blueprint_to_QB in the live folder. These files will be transformed into Qbfiles and put in the Qbexport folder.

Because we are in the simple part of creating a mod, we will only keep the part with no _a, _s or _t and with .qb at the end.

After, just drag them to your !mod folder in a dedicated sub-folder


4.Editing these Qbfiles


For this part, you'll need a voxel editing software. I'm using Zoxel because it has some specials option for trove.

This part is for editing qbfiles with zoxel, for another software, I don't know how to use them so...


1.Open Zoxel

2.Click on the little open option

3. Take your Qbfile you want to edit

4.A message will appear, click yes and a special blaock will apear, don't touch it or you'll bug everything. This block is where your item (Or thing) will be handed

5.Now the fun part, the preview you see should be like this:

(Not exacly this, because you won't have the same item of course)


The tools in the left are really great but we will really need only a few of them:

-The pencil: Used to place new block with left click or erase block with right click (Can be undo)

- The pen: Used to change the color of a block with left or right click. I will change the color with the selected color choosen in the right

- The color pick: Click on a block with this tool to choose his color

-The lighten/darken: Left click on a block to darken it, right click to lighten it

6.Once your project is done and everything is perfect, click on the little save buton


5.Exporting to blueprint:

Now, to be able to use your mod, you'll need to export it into blueprint file. To do this, just drag those files into a file named devtool_dungeon_QB_to_blueprint in the live folder. This will create a blueprint copy of thoses files in their folder.

6.Compiling your mod

Now, your mod can be manualy installed. But you'll probably want to use a modloader to install it. To be able to install it with a modloader, you'll need to place it in a folder named "blueprints" (Case sensitive and without the quotes). After this, you'll need to put it in a .zip folder with your mod name if you want.

For modpack, you just have to put all your blueprints in the same blueprints folder.

After that, take the .zip and load it in your favorite modloader.


Because this is a simple guide, and because I don't know how, we will not see how to make vfx, but if someone know how, can he say how in the commentaries?


I hope this guide helped you to make your very first trove mod.


Fiat_Nyx, the Quebec citizen






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How can I make a mod, that changes the game's language?

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Can't install the mod

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cant find 

C:\Program Files (x86)\Glyph\Games\Trove\Live



Go to file explorer, edit the address, and paste C:\Program Files (x86)\Glyph\Games\Trove\Live in it.

If you don't play on glyph, read the guide again.

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