Before you start
Before you can start to build music tracks in Trove you need to learn the basics of music and how to read notes.
There are many good guides on the internet to learn it.
Here is one for example :
But of course you can use any other guide you find too.
Music Blocks
There are two types of music blocks; instrument blocks (which has a picture of a mob on it) and note blocks (which have letters on it).
You use the instrument blocks to change the instrument of any note block it is on top of, up until a new instrument block is placed below those note blocks (then the new instrument block changes the instrument of any note block below it; so on and so forth)
You can change the octave of your note by repeatedly pressing the number it's on in your inventory. You can tell what octave a note block is in by looking at the light blue bar that runs horizontally in the letter. If the bar is at the bottom, it is at its' lowest octave. In the middle, it is in the middle octave, and in the top, at its' highest octave. Most note blocks have 3 octaves. doing this also raises the note in steps; every press of the button its on turns the note into the flat version of that note, then it goes up an octave and repeats.
Getting a piece you want to rebuild
Next you have to get the music/piano sheet or .midi file of the song you want to rebuild.
You can normally find them by google :
"Name of the song" .midi or piano sheet "Name of the song" (music sheets can also be found as pictures) or
anything similar to the examples above.
If you find a music sheet you can probably open it with a pdf viewer or in case it is a picture with a standart programm.
If you find a midi file you have to download a midi editor to view it. A good free one is Synthesia.
A more expensive choice i can recommend is Cubase.
Building the Song ingame
Now that all preparations are complete you can start to build.
The concept is quite easy.
Firstable you look at your music sheet and search the shortest note.
If the shortest note is a half every block represent a half note.
If the shortest note is a quarter every block represents a quarter.
The next step is more or less just looking at the music sheet and placing the music blocks how the sheet says.
(Note : If the shortest note is a quarter it means a full note would be 1 instrument block and the next 3 blocks free)
Once you finished placing all the music blocks you should place mag rails above it to make it easier to hear the song.
If you have a mag rail running on top of your stack of notes, you can use a speed changer to set the tempo for your song.
At the end your track look like this :
I hope this guide helped you to understand the basics of creating music tracks in Trove.
In the future i will create an advanced guide where you can learn more about music tracks and i hope you will read that one as well ^^
If you have any question/suggestion/feedback please leave a comment below.