So I've noticed that there's a fair share of ultra STs, Particularly pinata and dotm that don't go smoothly. That's partially expected, there's a new difficulty and tonnes of new gear so people have to catch up. Now I'm not a god, but hopefully some people can learn some tips so things run a little smoother.


1) Be prepared, it will be hard so if you just reached 10k with sub optimised stats, you're not going to be able to contribute well and the team could easily end up failing. You're probably going to want a class gem too.

2) Make sure you have time. Everything has a lot of health. Unless you're lucky with a really good group, it'll probably take some time.

3) Don't give up so easily. Sure if you're way out of depth, you can have your spot replaced, but it can take time and the randomness of the powers means that some runs will be harder than others and it might be better to wipe to get bosses with easier powers. I've had all but 3 leave a ST run because they all died so I'm there soloing it, they decide to leave on the end of the 3rd wave so I manage to do the 4th wave which means that it was perfectly doable. I've had a fair share of wipes (some intentional) until we got through.

4) Death defying is your friend. This is hard and you're going to get unexpected hits that kill you. Even if you think you're good, you're probably going to want death defying for at least the non boss floors.

5) You may want to swap a damage emblem and/or allies for defensive options like vampiric and prowling shadow/samantha. Use your judgement on what you think will be more effective. More dps is great, unless you eventually die...

6) Control is key. A Candy Barbarian to group mobs up is super useful and also helps add dps from ranged characters who have a small aoe since the MoP patch. However you're also going to want to stun mobs too. Even as a shadow hunter it might be tempting to focus on being dps, but it might be more effective to use mines for stunning trash so that the team doesn't wipe. Also note that while a CB is great as holding mobs together, he isn't a tank due to having no way to force aggro.

7) Think about team compilation. Having a tank is going to be useful, a CB can also help group things up but not essential, a chloromancer or more will provide great healing to the team and especially the tanks Lastly you'll want crowd control.

Class guide

Chloromancer - Great healer for tank and team while also having decent dps

Lunar Lancer - Decent dps and Crowd Control (CC) but due to being risky, depends on a good team and is especially vulnerable

Revenant - A great tank who can pull enemies in and either taunt or spam shield bash. Requested a lot as the tank of a team

Tomb Raiser - Also a great tank who attracts aggro away form the team. Can do well if they know what they're doing.

Boomeranger - Decent dps though is overhyped and does provide useful party buffs of heals and cooldown reduction, but also can push mobs away which can be a bit of a hindrance. Using the bow is probably useful for survivability reasons. You'll want classes with CC before having a boomer preferably as they provide more to the team.

Dracolyte - Not really loved, but those dedicated to the class or have really high PR can probably do well. Overall though other classes provide more to the team whether its dps, control or better tanking.

Gunslinger - Great aoe dps, no crowd control and also low risk. Worth having on the team, but again you'll want to have classes that ensure success on the team.

Neon Ninja - Really high dps that scales really well end game but extremely vulnerable and more dependant on a good team. You might want to level another class before attempting to bring NN to Ultras. It does have a pass-through root on the class shuriken though.

Candy Barbarian - Great mob control with the class gem with sustainability. May struggle with aggro but does it's job well.

Fae trickster - Not as great as it used to be. While I can't completely say no since it can either use its clone as a taunt or a stun which can potentially be used really well. For the most part it's wasting a spot on the team since it's single dps is only ok and horrible if it gets hit while providing little to the groups success rate. If you want dps, there's better options.

Shadow Hunter - Amazing dps, but remember that your proximity mines provide great support. It may be worth sacrificing dps for team survivability unless your team is very coordinated.

Ice Sage - Decent support but not amazing. It has a great ultimate. Other classes can provide more utility overall, but I wouldn't say no to the class.

Pirate Captain - Great dps and also has a deployable taunt. Worth having, but again you'll want to make sure you have CC.

Knight - The poor unloved knight. Actually with the class gem this little guy fits very nicely on the team. He does decent dps and it stuns everything in its way plus has surviability. It may be worth considering this class more of a ranged support dps class, but this class can definitely help STS run much easier. It's actually probably the class you can rely on the most providing they have the class gem since compared to a shadow hunter for example, they could easily be tempted to focus more on dps while the knight doesn't get a choice.



When it comes to the actual boss fights it's pretty much what everyone's used to.

Keep pinata god in the corner with a tank that knows how to survive, while range dps stay far enough away to not take aggro from the spawning mobs.

Dotm you still move her and yourselves away from the gun after it drops when she pauses and has a beam of light. It can be useful to have a tank that can survive and take aggro, but not entirely necessary. After all I did end up having to duo it at 25-33% hp or something with a shadow hunter, though valorous vials were incredibly OP there. Basically work with what you've got. Don't underestimate her, but since she's only the 1 mob that makes this easier to focus on.

For the lesser ultras, spike walker is incredibly easy as long as you dodge, while weeping can also be cornered but it's kind of cheesy so lets say I recommend that tactic without officially recommending it . Hopefully you don't have much trouble there and things generally will get easier as people gear up.

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liked this!


 Finally, a guide that actually acknowledge the chloromancer to be one of the best class for ultra shadow towers.

liked this!


Great guide, wasnt to sure about a couple classes cause I have not played them. The classes I have played you were spot on.

Since after they introduce the gems, and how RNG the gems work i was force to main the Revenant.It was a solid months of grinding... but i had to pick between a DPS Rev or a MH Rev...

In the End i choosed to go for the DPS Rev... it was great at first... doing a alot of dmg ..carrying hard sts... but when ever i touch ultra ill get completedly destroyed.Even at 12k pr... i cant even handle a Ultra spike.  Should i rework my revenant to be a full MH Rev or just Add more Health and stick to the damage?

12k pr Revenant

about 740k MH and can Crit damage over a mil w.

-chaos vial