Greetings Trovians, with the first anniversary of Trove upon us, we wanted to shine the spotlight on one of the amazingly talented artists we’re lucky enough to have in our community. You’ve seen her work featured on our livestreams and showcased on Trovesaurus, but let’s learn more about the woman behind the art: Lushie!



Tell us a bit about yourself. How did you decide on your online handle?

My name is Alycia, and I’m a digital artist specializing in character design and illustration. I have 2 online handles – Brolycia is my in-game name, which came from a couple of online guy friends who decided I needed a “bro” name, and Lushie is my online handle for my artwork. Lushie came from my brother not being able to say my name when he was little, and it just stuck.

First video game you ever played?

Tomb Raider for the PlayStation 1. I would have been about 4, and I used to love watching my dad play. When I was that young I’d only run around in her mansion, though.

What inspired you decide to create art specifically for Trove?

Trove is such a colourful, cute universe, and they’re two of the things I love to draw. I think also the challenge of drawing in my style from the voxels design; it’s always fun to draw out the different ways the costume design could be interpreted.

Can you share some of the early stuff you did and tell us a bit about them?

The first Trove artwork I did was actually a reference to an in-game joke from Alpha (sorry Avarem). When I heard the story of how a horde of ladybugs slaughtered our beloved Executive Producer, I just started sketching. It ended up as a digital painting later.

Do you have a personal favorite Trove painting/creation (of your own making)?

I think my favourite is my latest – the Tomb Raiser Class Splash created for Trovesaurus.

What tools do you use when creating your art?

I use a Wacom Intuos 5 Touch and Photoshop CS6.

Any advice for other artists out there?

Keep practicing! If you have the drive and passion for art, all you need is a bit of practice. Try not to compare yourself to others – the only person you should be competing with is yourself. Always strive for improvement, take breaks, and don’t be afraid to mess up. Making mistakes is the best way to learn. This is the difference a year can make.

Are you working on anything right now?

I am! I’m currently working with Trovesaurus to create a Class Splash each month. So far we’ve covered the Lunar Lancer, Revenant, Shadow Hunter, and most recently the Tomb Raiser. Outside of Trove, I’m always working on new pieces of fan art for different games, anime and movies.

What are some things you do outside of video games?

Art, reading, music, and going to conventions! I actually started exhibiting my artwork this year, and it was a ton of fun. I’m hoping to squeeze a few more in before next year!

Imagine you’re stuck on a desert island with one Trove class. Which class is it and why?

The Dracolyte – they can fly us out of there!! Plus, dragons are pretty cool.

Be sure to check out Alycia on DeviantArt to see more of her masterpieces! Thanks to everyone for playing Trove and be on the lookout for more features on the players who help make this community so special.


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