- All items in the Bulding and Crafting inventory categories will now persist across worlds and world resets.
- All players in an area now get their own personal loot from monsters, chests, and harvesting nodes. This caps at the 8 closest players.
- Gems no longer drop. Their special stats now come from emblems and monster health has been retuned to account for the missing damage.
- Equipment in the inventory now displays a border indicating rarity (except Resplendent - rainbow tech coming soon)
- Fixed an issue where some windows would be partially off-screen in window mode.
- Combat feedback improved: time dilation on hit no longer roots the character, the flash is now more polished.
- Players no longer start with grey blocks.
- Resplendent drops are now more rare.
- Fire flowers and ore nodes now drop one less of their respective resource types.
- You can now take fall damage, this will deal up to 20% of your total health pool.
- New slash command - /weaponpreview or /wp lets you test how a weapon blueprint looks in-game. See the Trove Creations subreddit for more information.
- Added /showplayer and /hideplayer commands (for screenshots)
- New weapons from Ruko, Silverwind, and Tribe have made their way into the game!
- New weapons from Chiara and Razkharn have been added to the game.
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