Holiday CountdownTrove Pack

514 3000 Credits 5.8 Credits per Mastery

The Holiday Countdown is the first attempt at a "surprise" mechanic in a pack, the contents aren't listed and items are unlocked daily.

From December 8 to January 1 a new item will be unlocked.

Please note that the time people receive the items during the day will be different for everyone, items are unlocked every 24h from the time of purchase.

Receive a total of 24 goodies in this limited time pack, including the Tyke Present Trike, Shadow-Stitched Snowfest Quilt, and Peppermint Goatyata mounts, Shadow's Sock of Soot, Teensy Tinsel Team, and Trovian's Sock of Treasures allies, and the Snowfest Slugger, Mistletoe Matron, Cookie Conjurer, and Lederhosen Lancer Costumes. Get them before they melt! | |

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The mastery count is wrong it's not 270, it's 444, check it again, pls!



This is because later on the Mastery was corrected in-game, but not updated in Trovesaurus.


and now it is :)


Thanks XD

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