Gearcrafter's PackTrove Pack
Gear up for adventure with the Gearcrafter's Pack! Includes: Essentials to take your Trove experience to the next level: • 5x Forge Enhancer Potion • 5x Vault Magnet Potion • 5x Gearcrafter's Vault Key • 5x Double Experience Potion • 1x 15-Day Patron Pass 1 Mount: • Gear Griffon 1 Ally: • Cogwheel Cruiser | |
Makes more Gearcrafting Vaults drop from Dungeon Chests for the next hour!
Poção de Aprimoramento de Forja x5
Makes any Gear crafted at the Gearcrafting Forge in the next 3 minutes more powerful!
Double your experience earned for the next hour!
Chave da Caixa de Gearcrafter x5
Guarantees a RARE result when opening a GEARCRAFTER'S VAULT
Use to grant yourself 15 days of Patron status. Check out the Patron tab on the Store (Press [HK:Store]) for details!