Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 18+
- c_p_faetrickster_chaos_bottom
- c_p_faetrickster_lunar_bottom
- c_p_faetrickster_owl_bottom
- c_p_faetrickster_spring_bottom
- c_p_fae_trickster_bee_bottom
- c_p_fae_trickster_bottom
- c_p_fae_trickster_f43_bottom
- c_p_fae_trickster_guardianangel_bottom
- c_p_fae_trickster_leprechaun_bottom
- c_p_fae_trickster_lvl2_bottom
- c_p_fae_trickster_lvl3_bottom
- c_p_fae_trickster_lvl4_bottom
- c_p_fae_trickster_mistletoe_bottom
- c_p_fae_trickster_moonsilver_bottom
- c_p_fae_trickster_shadow_bottom
- c_p_fae_trickster_store_dark_bottom
- c_p_fae_trickster_store_firesprite_bottom
- c_p_fae_trickster_store_ice_bottom
Not all of them, but here's the list:
Bee Trickster
Dark Fae
F43 Trickster
Guardian Angel
Ice Cold
Starter Trickster
Level 10 Trickster
Level 20 Trickster
Twilight Trickster
Night Owl
Shining Sidhe
Chaos Cultist
Shadow Sidhe
Level 30 Trickster
Lunar Trickster
Created: March 14, 2021
Type: ZIP
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 1,826
Downloads: 12
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
Based on fixed issue with Mistletoe Matron when it for bottom blueprint was calling "hips" instead of "bottom" and so it was looking like this
Visible on TroveTools