Affluent Qubesly Submitted

Mod Description

Replaces the Qubesly ally with a more fancy version of it

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

Added the UI Icon to the zip

41 KB

Added the new qubesly

1.7 KB


This is my first mod so I did my best, It adds a crown and a monocle, with a few minor changes (removing tiny bits here and there + hair color change).


Also- For some reason on the site the monocle is solid, In game its made out of glass so you can see his eye and he is not half blind.

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Mod FilesShow

  • png 1+
    • c_c_qubesly_ui
  • tmod 1+
    • [Cosmetic] Affluent Qubesly
Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: October 18, 2019

Submitted: October 18, 2019

Type: TMOD

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 1,514

Downloads: 68

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