Inspired by the Original Ganda looking like a duck, I decided to turn the ganda into a duck while retaining the theme of the Goose that laid the golden eggs. All of this combined, it became Goosda (Original Duck Style Version)
Later on, an actual Ganda/Gooseda (Goose Style) version will be released. Stay tuned if you like Geeses :)
Thanks to Blackie-Maiden (KawaiiCaretaker) and Ainogommon for assisting and teaching me how to mod.
Special Thanks to tony5906 for assisting in replacing UI names.
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Chinjang
Tags: Mount
Notes: Ganda's actually a goose :3 (DuckStyle)
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 13+
- c_mt_raptor_birdgold_body
- c_mt_raptor_birdgold_foot_l
- c_mt_raptor_birdgold_foot_r
- c_mt_raptor_birdgold_head
- c_mt_raptor_birdgold_jaw
- c_mt_raptor_birdgold_leg_l
- c_mt_raptor_birdgold_leg_r
- c_mt_raptor_birdgold_neck
- c_mt_raptor_birdgold_tail_01
- c_mt_raptor_birdgold_tail_02
- c_mt_raptor_birdgold_ui
- c_mt_raptor_birdgold_wing_l
- c_mt_raptor_birdgold_wing_r
- png 1+
- gandaduck
Created: October 8, 2019
Type: TMOD
Originality: Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 3,828
Steam Workshop Views: 4,081
Downloads: 727
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