I want to bring a bit of my childhood to life and make something that put a smile on many kids that know the books and just wish the could fly the apple.
So I bring you Inspired by Lowly Worm apple flying car
Apple Up Up And Away
Disclaimer Richard scarry Famly and the scarry foundation support people using /inspired by from his books for children charities like extra life and many other helping children in need
This Mount is for the Extra Life pack and Only to be use part of the extra Life pack
Also 2nd Disclaimer the mount use to make it date back before the vanguardian
and The Modle of That class can be too big for the apple and u see some hair and hats will stick out of it as the vanguard is bigger than most classes in the game on hight when sitting down I spent hours trying to work a way around but the more I try the worst the apple look So for best looking when using the others class than VG.
Hope you all enjoy I spent over 50hs to make look just right and not look to out place for trove with still bring back that charm of what it is inspire by.

Created: July 8, 2019
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 2,036
Downloads: 42
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