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TMOD MetadataShow
Author: The_Clown_Prince
Tags: Cosmetics,Costume,Dragon,Lunar Lancer,Dragonfire Peaks
Notes: Replaces the head style and all base level costumes to a Lizardlike form. Does not replace ultimates. Encouraged to use with the Marauding Maw face style
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 25+
- c_p_head_lunarlancer_01
- c_p_lunarlancer_chest
- c_p_lunarlancer_hips
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl2_chest
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl2_hips
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl2_tail_01
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl2_tail_02
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl2_tail_03
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl2_tail_04
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl3_chest
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl3_hips
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl3_tail_01
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl3_tail_02
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl3_tail_03
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl3_tail_04
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl4_chest
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl4_hips
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl4_tail_01
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl4_tail_02
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl4_tail_03
- c_p_lunarlancer_lvl4_tail_04
- c_p_lunarlancer_tail_01
- c_p_lunarlancer_tail_02
- c_p_lunarlancer_tail_03
- c_p_lunarlancer_tail_04
This mod replaces the models of the Starter, Level 10, Level 20, and Level 30 costumes for the Lunar Lancer. This also replaces the base head style. Designed to work with the Marauding Maw face style.
Created: November 21, 2018
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 2,324
Steam Workshop Views: 1,119
Downloads: 97
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
Thanks to Screamheart for creating the original Face style that this set is based on. Big fan of it!
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